Part of USS Los Angeles: A Vision of History and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Command and Repair

Unknown Space
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The Los Angeles shudders as the vessel is pulled into the subspace corridor. As it’s pulled in, the distortions batter the ship, causing the crew to be tossed around like rag dolls. The distortions cause serious damage to the energy systems, causing the bridge crew to be showered in sparks. Both the Captain and Commander are knocked unconscious by falling debris with Captain Oteng suffering a nasty head wound. Once inside the subspace corridor, the ship stabilizes, though main power is offline, and the only lights is the intermittent red glow of the red alert lights flashing.


Once the Los Angeles stabilizes, Siobhan looks around, and swallows hard. She’s the Third Officer, and with the Captain and First Officer incapacitated, she’s up for command. Taking a deep breath, she looks around. 
“Sound off! Who’s still with us?” 
A chorus of varied responses and groans filled the air as people slowly got up. 
“Stations, please everyone. I want a damage report as soon as we switch to emergency reserve power.”  
Lt. Commander Pearse stood up and headed straight for her console. She tapped some commands into the panel, then waited the requisite 20 seconds.


The bridge suddenly goes from pitch black to a muted glow as the emergency backups kick in, allowing the panels to be seen and showing the extent of the damage. Crew members are starting to clear the debris within the bridge and medics have materialized, attending to the injured, including the two command officers.


“Do we have a damage report yet?”

“No ma’am; still waiting for engineering. Decks reporting heavy damage, especially decks three through six.”
“Damn. Okay, keep me posted…” Siobhan is interrupted by a cry from Lt. Spencer. 
“Round two incoming!!” 
Siobhan barely has a second to curse out loud before the ship is again rocked and she is thrown to the floor. The Los Angeles is again rocked by distortions as it exits the corridor, finally back in normal space. The ship has taken a beating, and as it exits subspace, the ship is adrift, powerless and leaking warp plasma from the nacelles.


Siobhan picks herself up off of the floor, then turns to everyone on the bridge. 
“Damage report, on the double.”
“All decks reporting in. Hull breach on deck 4, fortunately it was sealed before it fully depressurized. Sickbay is inundated with casualties. Emergency transporters are online, but the main transporter system is offline. Main power is offline, auxiliary power is also offline. Emergency power is available but limited. Weapons offline. Shields offline. And we’re adrift.”
Siobhan muttered a curse in her native tongue. Biting her lip, she turns to the officers, trying to project confidence. 
“Alright.” She takes a deep breath. “Okay, first, shields, weapons, and hull repairs. Lieutenant, I want you to grab as many of the crew with engineering experience and have them working on those three things.” She points to Lieutenant Royce, who nods and then heads off to the turbolifts. “Second, I want to see if we can get at least auxiliary power up and running. I want to speak to Commander Aranda, if she has the time. And finally, I want a position fix as soon as we can. We’re okay, people; let’s get her repaired and back up!” She half-smiles, seeing the looks and nods of approval. “Dismissed!” The officers start going to work, clearing debris and trying to restore the Los Angeles to full operations.


After about a half-hour of drift, the lights finally come on the bridge. Everyone mutters words of relief, and Saoirse is breathing easier. Tapping on her Ops console, she realizes that auxiliary power, including sensors and thrusters was restored, along with shields. Things were looking up, when Eloisa entered the bridge. 
“Saoirse, I heard you wanted to see me? I can give you about 6 minutes before I rush back down to engineering. The engines are still offline, as are our offensive systems. What’s up?” 
She sighs, then takes a deep breath. “Take whomever you need from the crew. I don’t care what department they’re in but put them to work. We’re ascertaining a position right now, and until we figure that out, I’m keeping the ship combat ready. Our calls to Starfleet Command have thus far been unanswered, so we’re on our own.” 
Eloisa gave her one of her rare smiles. “Don’t worry. We’re going to sort this out. Besides, we have a strong, capable, and true leader in command. We’ll make it through.” 
Saoirse smiled. That was the real reason she had called Eloisa up. The two had become friends on LA’s first patrol, and both supported each other. She figured she could use a pep talk, and her best friend onboard delivered.


As Eloisa headed back to the turbolift, Saoirse turned around. 
“Ensign, have a position fix?” 
“Yes, ma’am…but it’s not known. We’re somewhere in the Beta Quadrant, in an uncharted region. Closest known star is about 4 days at high warp, in Gorn space. The system seems to revolve around a red dwarf, with 6 planets and 8 planetoids orbiting it. The third planet from the star is M-class; capable of supporting life.”

Saoirse tilts her head at the last sentence. ‘An M-class planet…all the way out here? Huh. That’s interesting.’ As she silently ponders, the intercom sounds. 
“Sickbay to Bridge.”
“Bridge here. This is Lt. Commander Pearse. Go ahead.”

“Commander, I have Captain Oteng for you. He just woke up and would like a sitrep.”
“Sure. The ship is stabilized, auxiliary power is restored, just waiting on engineering to patch her up and turn the engines back on.” She takes a breath. “Captain what about you? Are you and Commander Abramov alright?” 
“We’re okay…Commander Abramov has a wicked headache and I’m in no condition to resume command. You’re in charge until we’re rested. Or until Dr. Rehman releases us from sickbay…” he trails off. In the distance, Dr. Rehman is heard giving orders to a nurse, when he turns over to the Captain and First Officer.
“Captain, you need to rest. You’ve handed off command, now lie back down. That’s an order.”
“You know, I could hang you for mutiny…I outrank you.”
“My sickbay, my rules; Captain.” Dr. Rehman’s tone has the hallmarks of a parent, and it elicits snickers on the bridge.
“Fine, fine. You win. Miss Pearse, you have your orders. Sickbay out.” 
The com line closes, and everyone continues working.


Five Hours Later


Legs crossed and eyes closed, Saoirse sits in the captain’s chair on the bridge as the last repairs are completed. Main power is back up, the nacelles are fully operational, and the warp core has been restarted. The hull breach has been patched, and the Los Angeles was almost ready for action.


“Helm, one-quarter impulse. While we figure out how to get back home, we’re going to explore that M-class planet.” 
Saoirse then taps her combadge. “Bridge to Astrometrics.” 
“Astrometrics here.” 
“We’re in uncharted space, we should start mapping it out, and send the full chart to Starfleet Command.”

“Copy that. We’ll get started, ma’am.”
“Very good. Bridge out.” 
The ship start moving slowly towards the planet, making it appear bigger and bigger in the viewscreen. As they get closer, the bridge officers on duty see that the planet is eerily like Earth, with similarly laid out continents. 
“Captain, scans of the planet indicate a pre-warp civilization, spread out over several continents. It’s almost like mid 20th century Earth.” 
“Interesting. Continue scans and settle us into a standard orbit.”

“Standard orbit, aye.”

“Let’s continue our scans and see if we can get more intelligence on what we’re dealing with.”

The bridge crew continue working, analyzing the tranches of data that are being picked up by the sensors. 
Saoirse sighs, feeling at ease once again and slowly calming down. The next few hours will be crucial to understanding what’s going on.


  • FrameProfile Photo

    A intense and chaotic opening for the Los Angeles as it tries to survive the ride through space. I was pleasantly surprised by the quick assumption of command of Siobhan that showed the calm demeanor and strong leadership to get things done with the command team out of commission. Great work!

    July 7, 2024