Part of USS Mariner: M3: Let Loose the Beast of War and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

10) Out of reach

USS Mariner - Various locations
September 2401
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The grim sight of scouting deck by deck left a bitter taste of defeat for Aakif. Whatever they had encountered severely damaged the ship, and they had to seal off some decks that had collapsed or been breached by the vacuum of space. A pathway was cleared from the sickbay to the engineering and sickbay to the bridge. Yes, it was a relief to hear that the command structure and the bridge were still in one piece, at least somewhat. 

In his journey through the decks, he was joined by nurse Petty Officer Kawaigno and trained in engineering with Ensign Cho. Both saw the horrors of either the pouring wounded into sickbay with half-functional operational systems and equipment, and the other saw the broken-down engineering that barely held together if they had to endure. Taking a few calm breaths, Aakif pulls up a piece of a ceiling from an officer buried below it. “Hurry up…” he muttered; on any given day, this would have been a piece of cake, but he had been thrown around himself and been doing this for the last couple of hours.

Keeyiro pulled the injured and painfully moaning officer from below the rubble into a more safe area. “Done. You can lower it, Chief,” She replied hastily so that Aakif could lower the ceiling, and so he did. With a thud, the ceiling dropped to the floor.

A tricorder beeping sound came from the injured officer's side. “Stay still. We need to get you checked.” Theetika looked at the incoming data as she made a full body scan. She grabbed a yellow-colored tag from her belt and stuck it onto the officer's chest. “Chief, call the transport team to escort this one to cargo bay three.” The cargo bay was transformed from an empty cargo hold into a full medical triage location. Those without immediate danger, observation, or minor injuries would go there. 

Taking a deep breath, Aakif nodded and tapped the com badge; the internal communication had been recovered, but it was still sketchy at best, and not every deck was in range yet. “Chief al-Jalali to cargo bay three, we got another one at deck five, starboard side. We are moving to deck six.” 

Understood… 6 is on route for pick-up. Cargo bay three out.” A brief and statically sounded reply came in.

Aakif nodded to the confirmation and looked at the other two. “Are we good to go? Deck six still needs checking.” He motioned to a Jefferson Tube. He saw a nod from Keeyiro and Theetika as he walked to the tube's entrance and opened it manually.

Looking down at the officer, “A team is going to pick you up; stay still and do not move.” With that said, Theetika gave the officer a slight sedative. “This will ease the pain for now.” It was ethically unheard of to leave. A person of medical requirement behind. Theetika had no choice but to continue searching for wounded in this rumble area and bits of pieces she barely recognized.

“Are you okay, Doc?" Keeyiro looked at Theetika, whose concentration had drained, and then back at her.

Giving a slight nod, waiting for the tube to be opened, “I am okay, still shaking up. And it's a nurse, not a doctor…I don't have that degree,” Theetika pointed out as she placed her tricorder on her belt. “The ship has seen quite a stir, and we still have no answers about what happened.” 

Crawling into the tube and climbing down making sure everything is secure and safe “Looks good here, deck seems to be in one piece” Announced Keeyiro with a shrug, she understood why she was going first as the assigned engineer, but her roots are intelligence. She gets out of the tube and stretches, starting to look around. “This deck is a mess also, but seems to be hit more badly?” She grabbed her tricorder set up expressly for engineering duties and started to make scans.

Aakif got into the deck a second and looked around, concluding the same, but he did not see any bodies. “To your question, nurse.” He had to hold the urge to say doc; it was common for him to call any medical-trained doctor. “If this was done from the perspective of an attack, we would have been boarded already, taken into custody, and sent off to some remote slave market where we hang in cages on display for other people's entertainment.” He walked onto the deck further and saw some blocked areas. 

“That is awfully detailed, Chief. Are you speaking out of experience?" Theetika teases as she scans the area with her tricorder for any life forms.

He noticed Keeyiro smirking at that comment and rolling his eyes. “It is a plausible situation that could happen to us. But to entertain your imaginary mind. I have no experience of such an event,” Aakif counters the accusation.  “Then again, we are still missing people like the First Officer and the Chief Science…” He stopped and looked at the flickering blue light in the distance. “Ensign Cho, what is there?” He pointed in the direction of the force field.

Keeyiro turned her attention to the pointed area and shrugged. “No clue…” Her mind raced with potential sections on this deck; the lightbulb hit her. “No…” Her eyes refocused on the force field as she rushed to the field and saw the external sight of the dark red and yellow clouds that were electrified and …a broken warp cell that was barely holding onto the ship, “Shit…”

The other two arrived at the area and saw, to their horror, the brute force of their engine being pulled almost off the ship. “Who is going to deliver the news to Commander Valerio?” Aakif spoke.

“Worry not about the commander. I am more worried about the Captain,” Keeyiro reasonably pointed out as she aimed at the warp cell side windows. "I think I found your missing person, the First Officer.” Her finger aimed at one of the side windows of the warp cell where Commander Ruslanovna was, what it seemed like, talking. 


  • Wow the ship is in a slight predicament I don't think I have ever seen someone have the core of the ship literally hanging from the ship. The intrigue of what the crew is going to do really draws me into the story. Plus finding the Commander in such a place interest me in seeing what is going to happen as the story progresses! Great job!

    June 25, 2024
  • This chapter is quite a wild ride! The tension and sense of urgency are palpable. The imagery of the damaged decks, the ongoing repairs, and the triage in the cargo bay really paints a vivid picture of the chaos. Great job immersing the reader in this very dire situation. (The medic in me wonders where palliative patients are being sent. Hopefully not the same place! As someone who's had to play the role of palliative care, its an idle thought for me, but you do have a great op for a heart-wrenching scenario with people completely unprepared being drafted for that duty) The dynamics between Aakif, Keeyiro, and Theetika are great. The light banter, like Theetika correcting Aakif from calling her "doc" and the teasing about Aakif's detailed scenario of being captured and sold, shows how people in traumatic circumstances oft use humour to stave off the full horror of a situation in order to keep functioning. Keep up the great work! Can't wait to read more! (One part I was mildly confused over was the phrasing of the ethics of leaving medical personnel behind. Caveat- today has been a bad brain day 😬)

    June 25, 2024