Part of USS Paramount: Episode 3 | Trapped Inside and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Act Four: Issues

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), Underspace Corridor
Stardate: 240109.09 | 10:18
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Kevil walked over to the warp core where a group of engineers were in an intense conversation with Thomas. “How's everything,” he asked as he slowly approached the group. He could see the serious expressions on everyone's face as Thomas dismissed them before he turned to face the Andorain officer. “We have a problem,” he started as he led Kevil to the central console or ‘pool table’. They made a quick stride to the console.

Thomas brought up a semantic of the ship overlayed where a system report on such showed the multiple systems that were offline including turbolifts and internal force fields were offline. As Kevil continued to scan the report he saw something that frightened him.

“Life support is failing… rapidly!” Thomas said to Kevil in a hushed tone. Kevil's heartbeat increased exponentially as he had not expected such a major system to fail.

“What happened?” he asked. He thought that all the systems were being supported by auxiliary power.

“Not sure right now but that doesn't matter,” he said as he looked around at the officers around them. He stepped closer to the Andorian and whispered into his ear. “It's estimated that we have 12 hours before it fails completely.”

As Thomas told him about their dire situation, Kevil could feel his heart stop. Talk about something unexpected. Engineering was already strained trying to repair main power, deflector shields, internal force fields, turbo lifts, internal communication, and engines but this would not only slow down their repairs but could end them completely. They had to work fast to find the problem and a solution before the Paramount and its crew turned to a mere paragraph in a history book.

Nitus walked towards Enzo who was occupying the operations console at the front of the bridge. “Anything,” she asked him. They had been unable to reach anyone on the other decks and with turbolifts also not working they couldn't go anywhere. Most systems were offline aside from short-range sensors which was a surprising fact.

“No, ma'am,” Enzo said as he signed in between speaking. This had been the fourth time she had asked him in the past five minutes. Although he understood her sense of worry the repetitive nature was becoming more and more agitating. T'Soni had taken over the science console due to Laura being hurt.

“Commander, I've figured out where we are,” T'Soni said from the science console as she drew everyone's attention. Nitus, Enzo, and the hurt Laura made their way over to the console. As they examined what had happened. “We are in an Underspace corridor,” she said to the shock of just about everyone aside from Enzo.

“What's that?” he asked as everyone looked at him with confusion.

Laura was one especially surprised. “You didn't read Admiral Janeway's report after the Voyager returned from the Delta quadrant?” she asked him. She thought everyone had but obviously not.

“No, I have no interest in stuff like that has nothing to do with my specialization,” he said as he shrugged it off. Laura stared at him. Trying to figure out if he was joking or not. Sadly he wasn't. Laura started to respond to his statement but Nitus interrupted her/

“As much as I would love to see where that is going we have work to do,” she started as she looked between the two of them before turning her attention back fully on T'Soni. “Number One, can we use this knowledge to help us in any way?" she asked her. T'Soni stayed silent for a while as she thought to herself pondering the question. “No, Commander. It only adds more to it,” she said as she looked at Nitus with a calm expression showing no facial reaction at all.

Nitus' face convened a neutral expression as she registered what she had said her brows furrowed slightly, and the corners of her mouth turned down ever so slightly. His head tilted to the side ever so slightly. “How so?” she asks her. She wasn't all that good at science and never really took to it like some do.

Laura stepped forward a little. “It's because if we are in an Underspace aperture that means that it is expanding to cover the entire galaxy instead of just the Delta Quadrant as previously thought," she said to them.


Enzo looked even more confused than he did before. “Okay for us non-science geeks I'm not following."

“It means that we might be the only ones stuck in a tunnel,” Nitus said as he pointed out of the viewport, “Like this one, it also means that we could be going anywhere in the galaxy. We could be heading directly for the heart of Borg territory or the far side of the Klingon Empire.” She said as she slowly walked closer to the viewport leaving the group at the science console.

An alarm went off there out the deck. T'Soni and Laura rushed to the science station as they moved meticulously trying to find out what had happened. Their moving lighting on the console as they tried to figure out what had happened.

“What happened?” Nitus said as she slowly approached them.

Laura shared a worried look with T'Soni as they both came to the same conclusion. “We have bad news and bad news,” Laura said as she looked at Nitus with a sympathetic expression.