Part of USS Cupertino: Uncharted Dimensions and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Getting To Work

Engineering, USS Cupertino
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Hina had managed to make it through the bumpy ride with only minor scrapes and bruises. She hadn’t however managed to remain in her seat, which was probably how said scrapes and bruises had occurred. The ship was stable for the moment where ever they were, but it had taken a beating getting there. Hina listened as another officer yelled out damage reports and frowned. Had this been any other, larger, ship things would not have seemed so dire. But for something as tiny as a California-class, it was.

“Hina, support Engineering. We need to get the shields back online.” Saffiya ordered. She nodded and picked herself up off the ground quickly dusting herself off. She spared a moment to cast a glance at Saffy, who she was sure was blaming herself for what had happened. Rightly so, but she wasnt about to say it. She sighed and hurried toward the turbolift the doors of which opened and admitted Doctor Trova to the bridge with a medical team. Hina quickly stepped aside to give them a path before ducking into the turbolift. She leaned against the rear bulkhead as the doors shut taking a moment to collect herself.

“Engineering.” she called when she was ready. The lift chirped and started off toward her desired destination. Then it slowed to a stop between decks. Hina frowned, approaching the panel tapping it a few times.

“Main Engineering.” she commented again, to no reaction from the computer. She tapped the panel again, reaching down getting ready to pry it off when the screen flashed, showing just a blinking character.

‘Are you ok?’ the prompt asked. Hina looked around. Had her getting to know the computer actually gotten somewhere?

“I’m fine.” she spoke to the empty lift. Whether that was true or not, she didn’t know yet. “Can you please take me to Engineering?” she asked. The panel flashed again, restoring itself before the lift resumed its speedy journey to engineering.

What she arrived to was just short of chaos, and only just.

“Report!” she yelled, though no one actually stopped to answer her query. She frowned then placed her fingers in her mouth and let out a shrill whistle. The other officers, those who could move through engineering, stopped suddenly all looking in her direction.

“I said report.” she stated calmly. An Ensign stepped forward.

“Shields are down, structural integrity is down to sixty percent and we’ve lost warp drive.” they reported, offering a PADD. Hina accepted it, looking at the state of engineering, which wasn’t as pretty as it had been when she had first seen it. The warp core was dark and debris was strew about. She nodded, quickly skimming the full list of damage reports. She glanced up at the assembled engineering crew before pointing to a few each in turn.

“You, you and you… work on shoring up the structural integrity field.” she ordered, before pointed at another two. “Both of you work on getting shields back. Whatever you can get…” she continued, tossing the PADD onto a console.

“Anyone who cant work, but can walk, help those who can’t walk and get to sick bay… you’ll just be in the way down here.” she stated. She pointed to the last of the mobile crew. “We’re gonna work on getting warp power back online so we arent running on the main batteries for too long.” she finished. The assembled crew stared at her for a moment.

“Well? You heard me… get to work.” she stated, loosneing her collar and shrugging off her red jacket which felt like a weight off her shoulders. She pinned her commbadge to her under shirt and tapped it.

Then the Captain’s announcement came, and it came as a surprise to pretty much everyone present. And it was, perhaps a good time to check in on her, even at the pretence of an update. 

“Morishita to Nassar.”

“Go ahead.”

“Its going to be a while before we’re up and running down here… give me a heads up if something changes on your end?” she asked.

“I will keep you updated.” 

“Yea will do the same. Out.”


  • Morishita is getting her sleeves up and her hands dirty, the Engineer in her will get this small ship back up and running hell ya. Great post to see how she handles herself and get the situation quickly in her favor. A true character development that is shown in the story. Looking out for more!

    June 22, 2024
  • Hina is being thrown in and really trying to make sure she is apart of the ship. She is really making sure she can bring the ship back into working order again. I like seeing how she handles this situation and it helps to show her as a character as well. Great work!

    June 25, 2024
  • I've never had a lift ask if I'm alright! Morishita is determined to get stuck in with the work and make sure everyone else in engineering knows what they should be doing. No nonsense, no fuss, just get it done. Dedicated and professional in a crisis.

    June 27, 2024