Part of USS Interceptor: Into the Unknown and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

1 – The quiet before the storm

Briefing room - USS Interceptor
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“Anything I should know about today?” Harlow asked as she joined her XO, Commander Ashfield, in the briefing room before alpha shift’s morning operational meeting.

He looked up with a smile, the skin at the corners of his blue eyes crinkling. He had deep lines there, which said he smiled often, but she had yet to see much evidence of that. Since they’d met a few days ago, the commander had been polite and reserved. But that was to be expected with a new captain. They didn’t know each other well yet, and both of them were still working out how each other operated. Or rather, she guessed, he was working out what her command style was, and how to work with her.

“No ma’am. Not that I can see from this,” he replied, looking down at the ever present padd in front of him, his hand movements crisp and precise as he moved through the files she could just see flicking over the screen. She didn’t recognise the filing architecture, or wait…

“That looks a lot like the operations system on there…” she frowned, then blinked as he looked up. “Apologies, I didn’t mean to read over your shoulder there.”

“No… it’s not a problem. And actually, yes, you’re right,” he said, turning the padd to show her. “I use an adapted version of the operation filing structure. It’s… familiar to me.” He shrugged. “I guess you can take the boy out of ops, but you can never take ops out the boy.”

“That is…” She watched as he moved between files. She couldn’t make head nor tails of it. But then the mandatory operations system training at the academy had been the one she’d found the hardest. “Fascinating. I would never have thought of doing something like that.”

She turned her own padd for a second so he could see the screen. It was standard issue and on the standard settings. “See, very boring.”

A hint of amusement washed over his face. “I doubt there is anything boring about you, Captain. I’ve seen your range scores. I’ve never seen levels like that across so many ratings. Actually, I’ve never even seen some of those ratings. I had to look them up to see what they were.”

“Sign of a bad upbringing,” she quipped, opening the files she had ready for the meeting. “Or is that the ability to play pool and darts? I never can remember.”

Ashfield chuckled. “I’m fairly sure that’s pool and darts. Definitely pool and darts.”

The door behind Ashfield opened and the senior staff began to file in. Harlow smiled as they all nodded and took their seats around the table, catching the eye of their chief operations officer, McGowan, and nodding back. Ashfield looked at her as she did, a question in the back of those blue eyes but he didn’t ask it as Cav rolled in just as the door was about to close.

“Lieutenant Cavendish, I’m afraid you don’t get to pick a seat,” she said, nodding to the last empty seat. Next to her. Which was interesting, especially given the early stage of the game.

Half of the senior staff were new to the ship, so they didn’t know her but they also didn’t have any allegiance to the previous command team, and half were new to her but not to the ship. Normally, there was at least one career-driven officer on the senior staff, who would normally make a bee-line for the seat to impress her… or there would be an ego-driven officer, who wanted the seat to give the impression that they were part of the command team. The fact that there didn’t appear to be either was… different.

“Not a problem, captain.” Cav grinned as he sauntered around the room, taking his sweet time to get there. She ignored him, amusement rolling through her. Cav looked good, and he knew it. Boy, did he know it. If he didn’t fly a ship like it was a part of him, then she’d have kicked his ass off her ship when he’d arrived as a cocky ensign.

McGowan watched him for a moment, then caught her gaze and gave a little eye-roll. Harlow bit back her snort of amusement. Of all the people in the room, she wasn’t surprised that the Chief Ops had seen right through Cav straight away.

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming,” she said, sitting forward and clasping her hands lightly over her padd. “Let’s do the round robin. Starting with Lieutenant Cavendish, since he was last in… daily departmental report please.”

Cav threw her a wide grin, but his tone was brisk and professional as he replied. “Flight control is good. Daily system checks came back clear and… basically, credit to engineering,” he said, nodding over the table to the Chief Engineer. “She handles like a dream but she’s fast as f—“

“Thank you, Lieutenant,” Harlow spoke over him quickly, turning her attention to the next officer. “Doctor, how are things in sickbay?”

The briefing went smoothly, each of the senior staff assuring her that their departments were running smoothly. The last to speak was McGowan, a small frown on her brow.

“Everything is reading fine, captain,” she said, then shook her head. “There’s just something I can’t put my finger on though. It could be nothing, but I’d like to run an expanded diagnostic.”

Harlow nodded. “We’re on an easy run at the moment, this is where we check everything out and make sure we’re operating at one hundred percent.”

”Of course, captain.“ McGowan nodded. “Thank you.”

”No problem. Now, if there‘s nothing else?” She looked around the table, but no one else spoke up. “Okay, then let’s get up and at’em. Any problems, you know where I am. Dismissed.”


  • I like Harlow—and not just because I've gotten the chance to write with her. She is astute at noticing details of physicality in those around her, a credit to your writing and how you weave in those character-building details. She knew her new XO was capable of some personality, and she made it her mission to get something out of him beyond the professional and stoic interactions to date. There was the start of something deeper there. There is also a playful banter between Harlow and Jayce that I'm already loving - the comedic timing of her sparing the senior staff some vulgar language actually made me chuckle. I'm looking forward to getting to know the crew of the Interceptor better in this Fleet Action. Nice work, Heidi!

    June 16, 2024
  • A great introduction of the crew to the reader, also a fresh start for everyone that was either new to Mason command style or the interceptor in general. What I like is how you tease the reader to something that might be nothing, but given the room of gonna investigate it anyway. Looking forward to more!

    June 16, 2024
  • Uff! I have never hit the subscribe button on something so quickly! As someone unfamiliar with the crew, I am still finding my footing in figuring out who is who, but the way you write certainly makes it a worthwhile endeavour. I very much liked the conversation - it felt like two real people talking with each other, and it made me curious to get to know them better :)

    June 16, 2024
  • I really liked the interaction between Captain and XO at the start, they make for an interesting pairing; both very different, but complimentary enough to make a good team as this mission progresses. “She handles like a dream but she’s fast as f—“ ....ferret up a drain pipe? I'll be reading what else is to come with interest.

    June 17, 2024
  • I absolutely loved this story! Captain Harlow’s interaction with Commander Ashfield is a beautiful mix of professional respect and budding camaraderie. You can really feel the warmth and mutual curiosity between them as they navigate their new roles together. Harlow’s blend of authority and genuine interest in her crew shines through, especially in how she handles the light-hearted banter with Cav and the more serious concerns of McGowan. It's these little moments of connection that make the story so engaging and relatable. The way you’ve captured the subtle nuances of each character makes me eager to see how their relationships and adventures unfold. I love this new crew and It feels like we're getting a front-row seat to the start of an exciting journey aboard this ship!

    June 17, 2024
  • Yes! Heidi is back in the game with an excellent start to her FA. Interceptor is a tough ship with a hard as f- (see what I did there?) Captain in Harlow. I used to like Raan, but i think I might well end up liking Harlow some more. She's authoritative, she's erudite, but she's also fun to be around. Her crew are going to learn a lot from her. Her XO seems like a great foil for her, but time will tell when the proverbial hits the fan. I loved the fact you resisted the temptation to go around all the departments, with each giving off their reports. You just got straight to it. I find myself wondering what you have in store for this intrepid bunch?

    June 17, 2024
  • I really enjoyed the way Harlow and Cade sized each other up in such a quiet and polite manner. It’s SO REAL. You set them up with such an economy of words, to kick the story off and then get it moving. I’ll be curious to see where Cade’s idiosyncrasies get him, such a crisp and precise officer. Harlow won the award for my favourite line of the story: “sign of a bad upbringing”. Yes, more of that, please.

    June 17, 2024