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Part of Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

USS Interceptor: Into the Unknown

Crippled. Alone… the Interceptor is about to find out how tough her crew really are.

Mission Description

On her first run out with her new captain, the USS Interceptor responds to a distress call, only to find a surprise when they arrive. Dragged into Underspace, and badly damaged, can the Interceptor find the parts she needs before circling enemies close in for the kill?

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

27 June 2024

5 - Someone find a map

USS Interceptor: Into the Unknown

Stabilising us now. If there were ever famous last words in the history of famous last words, then Cav had just uttered them. Unfortunately, these three particular words were along the same lines as a secondary character uttering the phrase ‘I’ll be right back’ in a horror film… as in, the [...]

23 June 2024

4 - Spin cycle

USS Interceptor: Into the Unknown

Mason blinked, sliding a glance sideways at the science bridge station. “Mr. Steele… any idea what I’m looking at?” she asked. “Other than absolutely nothing?” The lieutenant in question shook his head, his attention focused on the screens in front of him. His hands moved over the [...]

19 June 2024

3 - Ship definitely not broken

USS Interceptor: Into the Unknown

“Coming up on the Resolute’s last position, captain,” Cav informed her, throwing a little grin over his shoulder. “Dropping out of warp in two minutes. Ship definitely not broken… sir.” She nodded. “Duly noted, Lieutenant. Thank you.” Cade leaned in, pitching his voice low. [...]

18 June 2024

2 - Needle in a Haystack

USS Interceptor: Into the Unknown

“Did you manage to track it down?” Cade had managed to resist temptation for a couple of hours, but even he had his limits, and he found himself drifting closer to the Ops console. McGowan looked up, her expression distracted for just a moment. The pause was long enough to tell him he’d found [...]