Part of USS Savannah: Hesperus Rising and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Casus Belli – Part 1

Former DMZ / USS Savannah / Captains Ready Room / Deck 1
2401.7.11 / 8:07hrs (Shipboard Time)
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Casus Belli – An act or situation provoking or justifying war” – The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase & Fable (2nd Ed).


“One week out of Spacedock, and the USS Sacramento has attained position on our designated route along the former Demilitarized Zone – commencing patrol and surveillance duties. As a crew, it is apparent that there is still some way to go to achieve a level of operational – readiness that can be justifiably called “cohesive.” For example, whilst I have full confidence in the ability of my Senior Operations Officer, Ensign Vikander, who is a born administrator – the level of due diligence exercised by some of the ratings under her command leaves somewhat to be desired. It appears that a full inventory was not conducted before we got underway – an example & testament to this is that we have a full complement of Medical Hypospray ampules of antibiotic serum – but someone on Starbase 72 neglected to accompany this shipment with the actual Hypospray injectors themselves. To say that Dr Reynard was upset about this oversight would be underestimating the boundaries of that term in the extreme. Resultantly I have tasked the Chief of the Boat to take the matter in hand and work with the XO to take a full inventory of supplies onboard and confirm what other unpleasant surprises may or may-not be lurking in our cargo holds.”

Lieutenant Commander Samantha Allen paused the recording and sat back in her seat and rubbed her eyes tiredly. The Ready Room had a more ‘lived – in” look, as Sam had had the chance to unpack her few belongings and personalize the space. She looked to the small shelf near the door and smiled at the small ceramic funerary icon that perched there – it had been a gift from her late – father from one of his digs. The piece was truly awful in both form and execution – but Samantha always smiled when she looked upon it as it reminded her of Jonas’s equally awful sense of humor and reminded her of better days.

Since taking command of the reactivated New Orleans – class frigate, she had to admit that there had been few of those to date.

The discipline issue with her Tactical Officer had not yet resolved into a harmonious working relationship. Not only did Ensign Ithariar Sh’eshikrar remain caustic and aloof – her actions at drydock (which had undoubtedly saved all aboard) had made the young Andorian something of a folk – hero to the lower – decks. Sam was mindful of the importance in bringing such a popular and key bridge – officer back into the fold – without creating further conflict or even elevating a martyr to the other – ranks. This was a problem the new CO of the USS Savannah elected to leave out of her official log for now. A work in progress perhaps.

Sam sighed and resumed the recording of the day’s Log.

“Of the ship itself, it can be said that we have managed to maintain a reasonable level of operational efficiency, although Chief Herrera and his team have been experiencing ongoing issues with EPS grid stabilization. The New Orleans – class and other sub-vessels of the “Fleet – Modernization” era are infamous for such issues – a legacy of providing design – proving technologies that went into the good – old Galaxy – class – to be sure. Having a ship sit in mothballs for this long and rushed out to cover patrol duties without the luxury of the traditional “Shakedown” – cruise was always going to be a gamble on a good day with all the luck in the quadrant on our side. I must remind myself to make sure Captain Williams covers the Ante – if we ever make it back to Spacedock. As it is, we are fortunate that Lieutenant Herra’s MOS is specifically EPS technology. In this we are most fortunate to have the Chief’s acumen – even if it means that we have to ration and allocate power distribution to certain systems on an “at – need” basis for the time being. This has not had a positive effect on the Crew’s Morale.”

Sam paused the recording of her log once more and rose to her feet and made her way to the replicator.

“Lapsang – Souchong. Black. Medium – hot.” She commanded and took up the earthenware cup and breathed in the smoky aroma of the Chinese Black – tea. Whilst it was a pale imitator to the real thing (she had a dwindling small supply of actual leaves that she jealously hoarded and rationed to herself), it would suffice to center her thoughts.

She resumed.

“Maintaining morale is foremost in my mind. The crew is young, inexperienced and for many this is their first time shipping out and there have been several instances of friction as the social hierarchy establishes itself, as it inevitably does, ancillary to the command hierarchy. I would be more concerned, if my list of concerns was not already so pronounced, if not for the presence aboard and inventiveness of our Special Services Division crewmember, Kennedy Zhao.”

Samantha Hyland continued to record as she paced around the room, occasionally sipping at her beverage and came to stop at the small viewport and gazed out at the elongated arc of the starfield as the ship made way. Memories of the night, three days hence, making her smile. Memories of Carlito Herrera chief amongst them.

“Kennedy has worked wonders with the Seven Forward social – space in just a few scant days. If it were not for the assistance of Chief Hayes and Doctor Reynard – who had a great deal of creative input into providing direction on cultural ambiance and historically accurate musical performance – respectively – I might be given to attribute the extraordinary success of the opening of the new “O – bar” to an act akin to sorcery, or at the very least – rare alchemy.”

Samantha took another sip and her personal thoughts strayed to the potential for complimentary chemistry with a certain Chief Engineering Officer of her acquaintance. Although nothing of note transpired during the heady New – Orleans inspired evening of Jazz and “Fais Do Do” and Carlito Herrera was nothing but a perfect gentleman – Sam Hyland was sure that there was Boo-Coo potential for a little “Lagniappe” on the cards for both of them, if the Seven Forward space continued to be such a success and she played her cards right.

“Of particular inspiration is Ms. Zhao’s utilization of SSH’s (Special Services Holograms). Not only is it a practical way to ensure that Seven Forward is manned in off – peak or busy hours without undue impact on actual crew rostering – but Kennedy has programmed each SSH with a holistic learning subroutine that actually allows each hologram to change mannerism, approach and even appearance to maximize the interaction with each customer – based upon meta-data from their files. The effects are salubrious in the extreme and certainly went down famously with the crew. This once allocation of EPS power – that I don’t think we can do without for now.”

Sam took her seat once more and prepared to close out her Log – her thoughts turning to matters more turbulent in their wake.

“My concerns regarding the ordinance incident in Drydock continue to be a point of grave concern. To date there has been nothing constructive forthcoming from the investigation in train aboard Starbase 72 and our own internal review indicates that the affected consignment of Photon Torpedo’s definitely were received with the arming chip in – place when they were beamed aboard. The Cargo Transporter’s log aboard the MMP is unequivocable in this. This is scant reassurance as this is a situation almost without preceedance. Whilst mistakes can and do happen, the protocols around ordinance transfer are so routine and well – founded that such a lapse in protocol is infinitely unlikely. It is a loose end I can ill afford and (worse still) there is unsubstantiated rumor and gossip circulating aboard that an act of sabotage may be the root – cause. I must find answers to this riddle, before the damage from this incident manifests in a wholly different manner that us just as destructive to this ship and crew.”

Sam steepled her brow in her fingers tiredly and rubbed her eyes, she could feel the beginning of a migraine coming on – but she reasoned that this could not be helped at this time.

“Lastly, there is the Strategic situation to consider. Intelligence reports received from Task Force Command indicate a heightened level of hostile activity in the volume we are operating in. Several reports of incursions by New Marquis forces have been reported in the last few days. Mostly hit and run raids with small skirmisher – units, which is entirely typical of their Modus Operandi. I suppose that there is some small comfort that they are, at least, staying true to form and not giving us any more to worry about by getting “Creative.” Of far more significant concern is the absence of response or retaliation by either the Cardassian High Command or their errant progeny The True Way. Lieutenant T’Vran – whose tactical acumen is without question – is concerned that this absence of activity may indicate some deeper collusion. I myself, do not give this credence as it applies to our immediate sphere of operation – as the doctrine and philosophy of both opposing Cardassian factions are so diametrically opposed. Still – it is suspiciously quiet and when that silence involves a Cardassian of any stripe, it is prudent to be vigilant.”

Sam was about to close when her comm chimed and the voice of the Executive Officer interrupted her recount.

“Bridge to Captain Hyland.” Came T’Vran’s clipped, efficient tones.

Samantha frowned and replied.

“Hyland here. Go ahead Number One.”

Captain, we have received a subspace mayday call & verified the source on our long – range sensors. Telemetry is contemporaneous with a civilian transport. Transponder handshake checks out. It would appear to be the Independently – registered ‘SS -Devore’ out of Parsus#4. They claim that they are currently under attack by parties unknown.”

Sam paused her log and stood – making her way to the door.

“Plot a course to intercept and bring the ship to Yellow Alert, I’m on my way.”


  • Wow that was a lot! But it certainly helps a new ready to the Savannah get an understanding of the ship and crew! Very nicely done! Ah, the New Orleans-class, such a beautiful ship and yet, being redeployed and having some EPS Grid issues? Boy. We all know what this FA is about and that has me curious as to what will happen when and IF the ship gets pulled into an aperture. Will the EPS Grid hold? Or will the ship be out of power? Or are these unknown attackers the one who came through an aperture themselves? Boy I can't wait to find out more! You got my interest peaked!!

    June 15, 2024
  • A nicely crafted and woven being for the Savannah. A dodgy EPS Grid and missing ordinance, two issues that may create further trouble in the future. Will the grid hold up and were have these torpedoes disappeared to? Are they going to have any time to enjoy the wonderful surroundings of seven forward once things really kick off? I await the next instalment with interest.

    June 15, 2024
  • This is a great introduction to introduce the Savannah and Captain Hyland into the fold. What I like is the little recap we get from the Captains log that tells us what Hyland is thinking and what she is struggling with. Not only that the new command has tis quirks here and there, but also the management of the crew getting settled in is at play. What adventures awaits crew, what will they find at the SOS signal. Looking forward to more!

    June 16, 2024
  • This, I liked a lot. There’s not a lot of action, but the stream of conciousness with the captain’s log recounting all the little things that can and do go wrong in any organisation on any given day (the hyposprays without injectors and arming chips in place) is very nicely done. You give us the tiny details and some hints of mystery wrapped in a wonderfully dry delivery from Hyland. Looking forward to reading more!

    June 25, 2024