Part of USS Cupertino: Uncharted Dimensions and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Gravimetric Distortion

Bridge, USS Cupertino
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They had reached Captain Jurev’s last know location only moments before discovering gravimetric distortions and decided to investigate, believing them to be connected to the mans disappearance rather than coincidental. Saffiya had called for Hina, the friend she had “volunteered” as her acting First Officer, hoping the woman had seen something like it before. 

“Ah, Lieutenant.”, said Saffiya as the doors parted and Hina stepped inside. She It was a slightly cold greeting and perhaps unnecessary considering her crew was well aware of the friendship between the two women, but Saffyia felt it most appropriate. “What do you make of this?” 

She jutted her head towards the view screen, where the gravimetric distortion was visible as a surreal shimmer surrounding the blackness of space.

Hina stepped out of the turbolift onto the bridge, stepping down toward where the Captain was waiting for her. She hadnt expected to reach the previous Captain’s last position so soon. Nor had she expected what was on the viewscreen. She blinked, staring at it for a few moments.

“Wormhole?” she asked, looking back at Saffiya.

“We are not sure. This is a very thoroughly charted part of the sector, I am sure someone would have noted a something like a wormhole.”

Hina shrugged.

“I don’t know then. Some sort of tear in space, right?” she continued.

“Looks like it.”, Saffiya nodded. There was a pause, and then “I don’t like it. Did you make any progress with our new  friend?”

Friend was referring to what they believed had affected their computer. They used friend rather than “unknown entity” because it sounded nicer, and because the Computer appeared to be listening in on what was going on. Or at the very least had the option to do so, and comprehend what was being said. Friend indicated they were friendly towards it, and being friendly meant not being a threat.

Hina raised her hand and waggled it a bit.

“Just getting to know each other right now…” she commented, smiling. She never would have expected getting to know a computer like she was. Even one that could potentially want to kill them.

“Hm.”, made Saffiya, wondering if said Friend would be helpful or harmful in their endeavour.

Hina nodded.

“Captain.”, warned Velix. “The distortions are increasing in intensity.”

“I’ve never seen anything like this.”, admitted Saffiya upon surveying the readout, looking at Keller, who also shook her head.

“Maybe we should back away?” Hina suggested.

Saffyia nodded, but Keller disagreed. “What about Captain Jurev?”

“No telling what that thing could do to this ship…” Hina retorted, and with that, Saffyia had to agree.

“Reverse thrusters, full power!”

They moved away from the aperture, but far less effectively than anticipated. And then, not at all. 

“What’s happening?”

Exactly what Hina had been afriad of was happening. Though she was smart enough to keep her mouth shut for the moment, instead moving to the XO’s chair taking a seat in it. She had no intention of being standing when they collided with whatever was in front of them.

“We’re being pulled in! Engines are not responding!”

“All hands, brace for impact!”

And that was what Hina did. She braced herself against the arms of the chair. There was shaking as the ship drew closer to the anomaly, then a bright flash as it finally crossed the aperature. Hina wasnt sure waht awaited them. It could be an explosion. It could be an all powerful being. Or it could be just more space. She wasnt sure but she was praying for the last one.


  • Hina called it! People should listen to her more, and thankfully, the Captain did. Obviously, this anomaly will continue to interfere with their mission to find the Captain... or will it? Is there a chance he encountered the anomaly and they will find him on the other side? Is that too obvious, though? Who knows! Can't wait to see how things develop further.

    June 15, 2024
  • Hina called it! People should listen to her more, and thankfully, the Captain did. Obviously, this anomaly will continue to interfere with their mission to find the Captain... or will it? Is there a chance he encountered the anomaly and they will find him on the other side? Is that too obvious, though? Who knows! Can't wait to see how things develop further.

    June 15, 2024
  • Nothing is more important than the safety of the ship and crew, and the Captain listening to the advice of her consultant was spot on! Unfortunately it was a little too late, that aperture got its hold on the ship and we the readers are going right with it! Hopefully the ship comes out fine unlike some others I've read. Damage is optional but still, very curious as to what kind of crisis gets stacked on top of their current one, finding the former Captain! Will the ship have power? Life support? No shields or weapons? Or be just a few bumps on some heads? Can't wait to find out!

    June 15, 2024
  • Heh nothing beats Hina when noticing something dicey is happening. Great interaction of sparring between the Captain and acting First Officer. They both didn't like the situation that was ahead of them and maybe reacted a bit to slow of whatever was going on as they get dragged into the unknown. Keep it up, looking forward to more!

    June 16, 2024
  • I'm really drawn into this story! The way Saffiya and her crew tackle the mysterious gravimetric distortions with such quick thinking and teamwork is incredibly thrilling. And Hina! She is really stepping up as acting First Officer, this adds a personal touch to the tension. I can't wait to see what lies ahead for them beyond the anomaly, and again: I am lucky because I don't have to wait!

    June 18, 2024