Part of USS Paramount: Episode 3 | Trapped Inside and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Act One: Detection

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), Alpha Quadrant
Stardate: 240109.09 | 09:42
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Nitus awoke and stood from the floor slowly. The emergency klaxon blared as she took in the disaster around her. The EPS modules across the bridge exploded and the consoles damaged as she made her way to T’Soni trying to check on the Vulcan executive officer.

Enzo slowly sat up in his console. Grabbing his head as he felt the blood dripping from his brow. He turned to look at Laura.

“Report,” Nitus said to him, her voice cutting through the chaos on the bridge as she helped T’Soni to her feet.

“Multiple hull breaches on decks four through seven and fourteen through sixteen. Interinal force fields are offline bulkheads are sealed and are holding,” he said to other before he continued, “Life support as failed completely on those deck and main power is cut of ship-wide but emergency power is holding steady.”

 Nitus stood in the command center as Enzo told her what happened to the ship. She wondered how they had found themselves in this unspeakable situation.

 34 Minutes Ago

Captain’s Log Stardate 240109.09. We are currenty enroute to Olympia Station for resupply and some much needed R&R. We have been updating our charts and sensors readings along the southtren frontier for the past three weeks. We are 24 hours away from the station and the crew have already made plans for how they will be spending their shore leave. An old friend is also stopping by the station and I will be meeting up with her as soon as we arrive at the station. This is something that we have needed for a long time. With the Lost Fleet, Frontier Day, and the Borg activity in the Delta Quadrant. The crew have been waiting for this day for months. As have I.

Walking through the doors of her quarters she returned to her ‘sanctuary’. Nitus unbuttoned her jacket, walked over to the sofa, and sat down. “Computer,” she called out. A beep replied before she continued, “Contact Commander Preston McKenzie aboard the USS Bristol,” she said to the system as she waited for the transmission to connect so that she may see her fiance.

“Commander,” he said as his face came into view. He was not much younger than Nitus. His hair and face were damp and he didn’t have a shirt on. 

“Commander?” she questioned him, raising an eyebrow, “When did you become so formal?”

“When you became the commanding officer of a much bigger ship than your previous,” he replied playfully.

“Is that right?” she looked at him with a mischievous smirk.

“It is and I thought I told you not to contact me until you have four pips,” Preston responded as he brought his face closer to the camera, “It looks to me as though you still have three.”

“First of all you know I never listen to you,” she said to him in a matter-of-fact tone, “and second maybe you should tell your captain to put in a good word so that I may have four pips.

He sighed loudly as he began to respond to her, “I will see what I can do, but you know how Giovanni is when showing favoritism.”

“What? That he only shows it when I’m around?” she replied with a smile.

“Ha ha ha. You’re so funny,” he said to her with an unamused facial expression.

“I know I am,” she said teasing him.

“Where are you anyway?” he asked her.

“Heading to Olympia station for resupply and shore leave,” she said as she looked at the PADD that had been on her table for ages before continuing to speak, “I’m supposed to be meeting up with Alexandria when we arrive.”

“Oh no,” he said worriedly before walking out of the camera’s view.

Nitus sat the PADD down from where she had picked it up from. “What is that supposed to mean?” she asked wondering why he would say such a thing.

“Anytime you and Alex get together it always ends in something blowing up,” he said as she came back into view wearing the undershirt of his uniform.

“No, it doesn’t!” she said defensively. She knew for certain that he was telling the truth.

“What happened the day before you assumed command of the Kision?” Preston asked her.

Nitus sat there puzzled for a second before realization hit about the shuttle she and Alex were in mere hours before she was to assume command. “We don’t talk about that,” she said looking away from him.

“That’s what I thought,” he said to her with a playful grin on his face.

The lights in the room began to flash red and the emergency klaxon began to ring throughout the ship. Nitus switches from a playful expression to one of seriousness and dedication.

“Commander Nitus to the bridge,” T’Soni’s voice rang through the intercom.

“I have to go. I’ll talk to you soon,” she said as she picked up the PADDs from the table.

“I love you,” he said to her.

“Love you too,” she responded as the transmission ended. She stood from the sofa and walked briskly to the nearest turbolift.

Enzo and Laura walked out of the holodeck both laughing as they went towards the nearest turbolift.

“I really had fun,” Laura said as she and Enzo subconsciously grabbed each other’s hand.

“I told you. You would,” he said to her.

“The lights in the corridor began to flash red and the emergency klaxon began to ring throughout the ship. ”Commander Nitus to the bridge,” T’Soni’s voice rang throughout the corridor. Enzo and Laura realized the situation which caused the young man to groan loudly.

“It would seem date night is ending early,” he said to her as he stopped walking and stared at her.

“It is but there will be a next time,” she replied smiling as she tugged on his arm. They continued to walk down the corridor still holding each other’s hands.

“I’ll see you on the bridge then?” he asked her.

“Of course,” she said as she pulled him into a gentle kiss. When their lips touched they momentarily forgot where they were and we lost in the bliss and and the enjoyment of their kiss.

Laura pulled from the kiss. As Enzo tried and failed to pull her back in eventually giving up. “I’ll see you later,” she said as she pulled way fromhis grip as she went down the corridor to change.

Enzo stood where he was as he watched her walk ways before he turned and walked away as well.

Stepping on to the bridge Nitus could see the concerned expression on everyon’s face as they moved diligently to execute their duties.

“Report!” she said as she made her way to the command center. The turbolift opposite of where she came from opened and Laura walked to her station.

“We have detected a gravitational anomaly near the Karlaxin system,” she said as she sat down at her station.

“Is their anything else?’ Nitus asked her.

“If there is I can’t detect it. I recommend we alter course to investigate,” Laura said as T’Soni walked over to help her.

“You heard her En-” Nitus said as she turned to see that the chief flight control officer wasn’t there. “Where is Enzo?” she questioned.

The turbolift next to the ready room opened as Enzo and Alessa stepped on to the bridge.

“Enzo, set course for the Karlazin system, maximum warp,” she ordered as she watched the young officer take his seat as his console and begin to tap in the new heading.

“Take flight,” she commanded.

The Paramount temporarily dropped out of warp moved ninety degrees starboard and launched once again into faster than light speed.


  • Wow, this is a great first outing! The way Nitus keeps her cool and focuses on her crew despite the chaos is inspiring. I really liked how you inserted the Captain's Log later in the story instead of at the beginning, it builds up suspense right from the get-go! The playful exchange between Nitus and Commander McKenzie brought a nice, relatable touch to the intensity of the situation. Great job!

    June 18, 2024
  • This was probably one of the calmest reactions I have seen from a Captain in regards to the chaos ensuing around them. You make Nitus seem like a person in control even through moments of extreme duress. I loved the inclusion of the call to the Commander as well. The addition of that story element really makes your character feel like a real live person and the banter between them was perfect showing the connection they both have. Great work I cannot wait to read more!

    June 18, 2024
  • A really nice start to this one, and a lovely interaction between the Captain and Commander, gives a sense of what these people are like and their pasts. Somehow I get the feel the crew of the Paramount are going to be missing out on that R&R.

    June 18, 2024
  • What a great opening! Something has clearly gone horribly wrong. There’s something about Nitus' leadership and quick decision-making that really shines through during the crisis. I loved the contrast between the opening paragraph, and the setup flashback with people just going about their days, looking forward to shore leave, then getting diverted to go investigate. Can't wait to read next chapter!

    June 26, 2024
  • I love the chat between Nitus & McKenzie, it's a fun reminder that life exists outside the drama of our stories and excellently written. I also enjoyed the structure of this chapter, with the vignette style glimpses of lives that are about to be shaken up yet again... Maybe after this is all done they can finally get to Olympia for some well deserved shore leave!

    June 27, 2024