Part of USS Calistoga: Under the Jolly Roger

Enroute – 3

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Captain’s Log, supplemental.

We are enroute to the Zeadarian system, a semi-remote system in the south-east region of the Deneb sector. A colony on Zeadar-three is in desperate need of medical supplies. Many of the remote and less resourced colonies in this sector are still recovering from the events with the lost Dominion fleet some time ago. With normal trade routes still disrupted and localized economy structures rebuilding from scratch. It is colonies like Zeadar-three that are suffering the most. Intelligence reports seem to indicate a drastic increase in poverty and less than ideal living conditions – this is the exact reason I took this command and I am thrilled to be of some use to those who need us most. 

The dynamics of this new crew coming together are an entirely different thing though.. Our Chief Engineer has reportedely told my executive officer where to go.. I will be debriefing with her shortly. 

“Captain, I do not appreciate having my team’s rotation flipped on its head like this only moments after you and your second-in-command arrive. I have maintained the same rota for many years.” Hilga Stramm stood adjacent to Raiem in his ready room. She had refused to sit down. She had her arms crossed, and her tone was angry.

“Commander Stramm.” Raiem clasped his hands together and took a breath, a technique he used to gather his thoughts quickly and ground himself before replying. It had served him well over the years. 

“Commander Mayvilis has every right to adjust crew rotations as she deems fit on this vessel. While I empathize with the fact that can be disturbing to yourself and your team, you must remember that there is a chain of command, and it is to be respected.” He replied softly and non-confrontationally, not wanting to add to the hostile energy his chief engineer radiated.

“I should have known you would take her side on this. I’m not sure why I bothered coming,” Stramm rolled her eyes and groaned.

“I’m glad you did come. It saved me the trip to find you to discuss this. Commander Mayvilis was quite upset with how you criticized her in the presence of other staff about this.” Raiem stood up from his chair and desk and slowly closed some distance between him and Stramm. His hands remained clasped in front of him.

“That cannot happen again, Commander… Do I make myself clear?”

“And then he dressed me down like a third-year cadet.” Stramm paced back and forth in the room, her arms failing about in dramatic motion to add to the tale she was telling Callisto. “How dare he? I’m old enough to be his grandmother.”

Callisto watched on with an empathetic look. Yes, Hilga had certainly had her moments of frustration and extroversion since she had come to know her onboard Calistoga so far, but she had never seen her so worked up. She glanced down at the PADD Hilga had given her with the rotation changes to her staffing compliment. Attached was also recent data showing an increase in efficiency and task completion.

“Hilga. It looks like her changes have improved efficiencies with the current data that’s available. It’s only really preliminary at this point, but what she did seems to make sense if you look at it closely–” Callisto hesitantly held the PADD back out in the direction of her angered colleague. 

Hilga hastily grabbed the PADD and narrowed her eyes as she reviewed the information Callisto had discussed. There was an immediate shift in her posture as she seemed to deflate some; her shoulders relaxed, and her facial expression of anger was replaced with a curious look. “I’ll be damned. You’re right. She was right…” 

“I’ll admit. I’m a bit surprised to see that it’s you here.” Mayvilis had been working through division resource requests from varying departments across the ship in her office when she received a visitor. As the doors opened, she tried not to let her jaw drop to the floor, and her brain registered that it was Hilga. 

“Commander Mayvilis,” Hilga strolled into the space, attempting to ensure none of her body language was aggressive in approach. 

“I’m a straight shooter, as you know, so that I will get straight to the point. The other day, I was out of line when you brought me the orders to shift my staffing rotations around. I should have asked you to step aside in a more private space to discuss my concerns.” Hilga apologized to Mayvilis and maintained eye contact with her. 

“Thank you for acknowledging that, Commander Stramm. I appreciate the apology,” Mayvilis replied softly, shocked that she was getting this apology but happy that Hilga had made the gesture. There had been tension between them since before Calistoga departed on this first mission as a crew. Mayvilis knew that her move to adjust things in various departments had been less than well-received in most areas, but Hilga had undoubtedly been the most upset out of everyone. 

“And as I indicated the other day – it’s only a trial – we can pivot back to the prior rotation if this is not working,” Mayvilis continued, wanting to emphasize the point she was trying to make the other day. 

“Thank you, Commander. I’m thinking we won’t end up moving in that direction.” Hilga produced a PADD that she had tucked at her side and passed toward Mayvilis. 

“Early data shows that my team is improving with your revised operational plan. So I should be thanking you as well as apologizing. It seems you do know what you’re doing,” Hilga grinned but remained her usual forward self. 

“She apologized to you?” Raiem almost spit out his tea in shock. He and Mayvilis had just settled in his ready room to review some reports and discuss ship business when she shared her encounter with Stramm earlier that day. While he had given her some course corrections on her need to shift her approach in the future, he had not expected the stubborn Stramm to apologize to his executive officer.

“I know. I was also shocked. It seems as tough of a nut as she is; she is not below an apology when she is wrong about something. I am glad. We’ve found more stable ground in our relationship – at least, I hope it is.” Mayvilis chuckled as she continued, part of her still not believing the encounter happened. 

“I share that hope just as much as you do. She is our second in command, so it’s important that we can maintain a good working relationship with one another.” Raiem nodded and sighed in relief some himself. 

“Shall we get to business, Comman..?” Before he could finish his sentence, Lieutenant Callisto had come in over internal communications. 

“Captain – Commander. We are receiving a distress call from a nearby vessel…”

“Set course to intercept, maximum speed, and go to yellow alert,” Raiem responded quickly. He and Mayvilis left their work at his desk and hurried to the bridge.