Part of USS Cupertino: Change It Up

An Introduction to Sickbay

Sickbay, USS Cupertino
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As Hina and Saffyja made their way through the different departments of the ship, Saffy paused for a moment. They were probably both looking forward to dinner, but she wanted to finish this last part of the tour before heading into her personal quarters.

The trip through the ship had been interesting. The California-class was certainly much smaller than what she was used to.

“I know you are not a big fan of sickbay, but…”, she started, looking at her friend.

“Most people aren’t…” she pointed out. “They usually end up there with some sort of injury. No reason we need to go there right? Neither of us is hurt after all…”

“I mean it would certainly be good to know where it is, and who to expect there.”

Hina sighed. Her friend was right of course. Wouldn’t do to be in need of their services and not know where to go.

“Fair enough… I take it that’s where you’re taking us now?” she asked.


Hina nodded.

“Yea I guess it cant hurt… then we can get some food, right?” she asked, looking over.

Saffy grinned. “Yes, then we can get some food. Oh, is that doctor still on the Kongo?”, she asked without considering that virtually no one was still on the Kongo. It would have made her a little sad to see her first home-away-from-home to be rendered useless and waiting until need was dire enough to put it back on the map.

Hina looked over, a little incredulous at Saffiya’s question.

“Saf… no one is on the Kongo anymore… the only reason I was still there was to help them ready her for storage.” she pointed out. “But yes, before the crew was transferred off, that Doctor was still there… just as wisecracking and playful as the day I met him.” she said.

They reached sickbay, which  – like the rest of the ship – was fairly small. A few biobeds, a lab for more scientific but still medical work, a nicely decorated room for the ship’s counselor, and the CMO office.

“What’s the nature of the medical emergency?”, stated a voice belonging to a Bajoran woman with auburn hair who was… clearly not a hologram.

“Very funny. No emergency, just a tour.”, said Saffiya, trying to not roll her eyes. “May I introduce Doctor Trova. Doctor, this is Lieutenant Hina Morishita, visiting us from the USS Kongo.”

The doctor eyes Hina and inclined her head. “Pleasure.”

Hina looked around at the sick bay as they entered. Small was becoming a very easy to spot theme on this ship. Though it was an efficient use of space, which was impressive in its own way. She turned as the Doctor addressed them.

“Doctor.” she said with a slight nod. “I don’t mean to intrude, but the Captain thought it would be good if I knew where sick bay was.” she said, not wanting to draw the ire of the Doctor since she was going to be aboard for a while and likely wouldn’t be able to avoid her that much if she did.

The Doctor’s expression seemed to soften ever so slightly at that. “It’s not hard to find, but perhaps for the better to make yourself familiar with it. I run regular exercises for the crew, and as long as you are part of it, I expect you to attend.”

Hina nodded.

“I will be there.” she stated. It didn’t seem there was much point in arguing it.

“It is a very nice sick bay though…” she added. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I hope to never have need of your services…” she said with a smile. So much for trying not to draw the Doctor’s ire. Still it was the truth, getting hurt was not high on her list of ‘Things to do while on the Cupertino’.

“Understandable.”, the Doc nodded. “As you can see, it’s not like we have ample space to accommodate people getting injured.”

“Like many things on this ship… I have noticed the… lack of space.” she admitted. It was truly hard to miss.

“Do you have any expertise at all in the medical field?”

Hina raised her hand and waggled it a bit.

“Basic first aid and triage… enough to tend to minor injuries that can occur in a jefferies tube or elsewhere when working.” she explained. “I couldn’t do much more than that without significant guidance.” she added.

“That’s a shame.”, Doctor Trova admitted, but didn’t say much more on the subject.

“But if you ever need anything repaired… Id be happy to come take a look at it. I may not be good with the fleshy bits… but I’m very good with the metal-y ones.” she commented, smiling widely.

To Saffyia’s surprise, the Doctor returned the smile. “Let’s both stick to our specialities, then.” 

And with that somewhat awkward introduction behind them, it was finally time for dinner.