Part of USS Calistoga: Under the Jolly Roger

The New Guard – 2

Enroute to USS Calistoga
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Captain’s Log, supplemental.


I’m still not used to saying that… Captain. It has a nice ring to it, I admit. I remain enroute to the USS Calistoga, my first command, on a small federation transport vessel. Oddly enough, I’ve run into my new executive officer and several other of my senior staff who all happened to be on the same transport. We took the time to have dinner together this evening. Mayvilis, my executive officer is meeting me for some further discussion shortly over hot pot of vulcan tea. I feel our arrival to Calistoga will already be a little less isolating, as we will at least have some familiarily with one another as we board. 


Despite the difficulties and trajeties of the past months, I remain optomistic about this new chapter in my life and career. The Calistoga’s mission is one of humanitarian efforts and medical response – a profile that resonates deep within my own personal praxis. I think back to my days in command of The Arrows, and just how much we were able to accomplish together with such little resources. Now… Now I have an entire starship to deliver care to those in need. I’m grateful for this chance to do good.


To the journey, as they say.

“Captain. Thank you for having me over.” Mayvilis greeted as she entered the small travel cabin that Raiem had invited her to – she had changed into some casual attire before visiting.

“Please Commander, have a seat.” Raiem gestured toward the chair adjacent to him and across a small eat in style setup that had his tea arrangement on it. He gently poured his guest a cup and pushed it towards her. He too was dressed casually now and was pleased to see she had decided to arrive less formally.

“It’s decaffeinated, so don’t worry about it keeping you up. The blend is meant to help clear the mind and help one settle for a restful sleep.” Raiem continued as he picked up his steaming cup of tea and sipped gently. He noticed Mayvilis do the same. After that, Raiem picked up a garment he had been working on, crossed his legs and began some delicate stitching.

“The tea is lovely. That you Captain.” Mayvilis took another sip and then set her tea cup back down on the table. Raiem saw her eye him up and down curiously.

“I like to make my clothes. Spent a good number of years working as a seamster, well before my time as a physician. These days, I find it helps me relax and center myself.” He continued to work on the stitching but made sure to maintain eye contact every few moments with Mayvilis. 

“What were your first impressions of Lieutenants Sinclair and Nahl, Commander?”

“Sinclair is… a lot? He’s certainly passionate that’s for sure. Nahl seems lovely and reserved but I think we will get along particularly well, she seems like one who is rather focused on her work.” Mayvilis answered her Captain’s question without hesitation. 

Raiem let out a soft chuckle and then took another sip of his tea. “I think young Edison is going to keep us on our toes – he can certainly fly a ship as far as his record goes though. You two have that in common at least,” he set his teacup back down and continued stitching. “We’re lucky to have Nahl. I pushed hard to have her assigned after I was given my Captaincy. I think she will surprise us all someday with more than a few words strung together, in her own time.”

“What pushed you to ask for me, Captain?” 

“You’re certainly accomplished in your own way Commander. I’m not afraid to admit I have my own limitations. Most of my career in Starfleet was spent as a medical officer. While I have gotten familiar and comfortable with starship operations, especially since I made the switch to the command track – it’s never a bad idea to cover your own shortcomings when establishing a command team. I’m lucky to have you on this journey with us as well.” Raiem folded his hands for a moment, made eye contact with Mayvilis and gave her a genuine soft smile. 

“I’m happy to be here and also to have had this opportunity to meet you in particular before we land on the ship.” Mayvilis replied, her posture settling into the backrest of her chair. 

“Have you had the opportunity to review personnel files for the rest of our senior staff?” Raiem asked and took notice of how her posture seemed to relax a bit more. He was glad of this as he truly wanted the rapport between them to be more relaxed, at least in a setting of privacy. 

“Most of the crew, actually.” Mayvilis replied boldly and then sipped on her tea once more to break up her forwardness. “The one I am most intrigued to meet is Commander Stramm. She has been on the Calistoga a very long time. I am not certain quite what to make of that, if I’m being honest.” 

“I have a feeling she will be keeping us on our toes even more than young Edison will…” 

The two shared a chuckle over his statement.

“I don’t know what to think of the Captain. He was rather quiet…. I felt our first officer did not care for me too much, at least by the looks I was getting…. I am excited to get to Calistoga, I wish this vessel travelled faster… I wonder if they’ll let me take the helm for a bit…. Have you ever served on a California Class vessel before? Lieutenant….? Lieutenant Nahl….?” Edison had been pacing back and forth and rambled on and on for some time before he asked the question. 

Nahl was seated by a viewport in one of the common areas, holding a book that she was trying to read. Her new colleague, Lieutenant Sinclair had followed her after their dinner with their new Captain and Executive Officer. He had also neglected to take any sort of normal bodily queue that she was not interested in conversing. 

She held back the urge to groan, “Do you always talk this much Sinclair?”

“I don’t much care for silence, so I guess I do…. You never did answer my question though…” He replied continuing to pace. 

Nahl raised her brow and gave a slight roll of her eyes, “No… I have not served on a California Class vessel before. Will you sit down before you wear a hole in the deck plating?” 

“They probably wouldn’t let me fly this vessel, I’m not a part of the crew manifest. I’m not sure why I didn’t click with Commander Mayvilis, she is an accomplished pilot too – surely we will get along at some point. I wonder what the other senior staff will be like. The meal we had at dinner was lovely, wasn’t it?” Edison continued his rambling.

“Lieutenant!” Nahl snapped her fingers and pointed to the sofa chair across from her. “Sit… now,” she commanded in a stern tone. 

Eddie immediately took the seat where directed and looked like a puppy that had been scolded for misbehaving. 

“I am sure you and the Commander will be just fine. The dinner was lovely. Now…” Nahl tossed him an extra PADD she had lying beside her. “There are some novels to read or games that you can play to pass the time on that. Let us both enjoy some quiet time, shall we?” She gave him a look as if to dare him to say anything else. 

Eddie sat back in his chair and began to play one of the preloaded games Nahl had directed him to. Nahl sighed silently to herself and revelled in what she was sure to be only a moment’s silence. 


  • Ok, Eddie is annoying me as much as Nahl, which means he is going to be a great character - how will Hilga take to him? I enjoyed the meeting between Captain and XO. It wasn't a lot, but it was enough to already establish a dynamic between them - he's aware of his fault, and she is truthful and honest - will that be a fault of hers? I also await the clash of Hilga and Mayvilis to see if the XO can work out why exactly Hilga is on Calistoga after all this time. Something fishy is afoot, perhaps? Great post! Can't wait for more - don't keep us waiting so long! :p

    May 19, 2024
  • This tale truly strikes a chord with me. Its exploration of the dynamics within a newly established command team aboard the USS Calistoga is truly enthralling. Captain Raiem's evolution into a leader, intertwined with his genuine bond with Commander Mayvilis over a cup of Vulcan tea, feels remarkably genuine and relatable. The interactions among the senior staff members, particularly Lieutenant Nahl's blend of firmness and compassion, injects a delightful dose of realism and humor into the storyline. The narrative beautifully encapsulates the spirit of newfound camaraderie and resilience amidst change. I just love to see how each character is finding its voice within the group dynamic! If this is just the beginning, I eagerly anticipate what lies ahead! By the way, I wholeheartedly agree with Kai's sentiments regarding Eddie and the 'waiting time'! ;)

    May 23, 2024