Part of USS Paramount: S1E1 | Helping Hands and USS Paramount: Season 1

Act Eleven: Ultimatum

Invincible, Deblin System, Alpha Quadrant
Stardate: 240104.26; 02:11
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“Hail them,” Eldus said to the officer stationed at communication. The officer scrambled to fulfill his leader's orders.

“This is Commander Nitus of the Federation starship Paramount. You are to ease your assault on this system and surrender.” Eldus was shocked, he expted to the voice of a young human male not the voice of his younger half-sister. They haven't spoken since she left Romulus all those years ago. Hearing her voice again was strange. His resolve wavered conflict with his heart and his head. His heart wanted to hug her and catch up on what had transpired between the two during their time away but his mind was reminded of how everyone treated his family after she was born. Eldus couldn't forget how their family was deprived of their status because of that ‘half-breed’.

She was the reason he was here and not leading an Imperial Fleet, she was the reason his father, was hon, she was the reason his sisters became outcasts, she was the reason his mother his closest supporter was dead. She was the reason that everything bad had happened to him and now was her time to pay for her actions.

He nodded to the officer at the communications station to bring on visuals. “You kid yourself, sister.” He could see the stunned reaction across her face as she looked at him. He also noticed another expression but he could not put his finger on it.

“Eldus, please,” her head dropped as she pleaded with him. “Tell your ships to cease their attack and I'll let you go without incident.”

“You're in no place to be making demands out of me, half-breed,” he said as he leaned forward in his chair, “I could have my armada destroy your ship with a single volley of torpedoes.” Eldus knew that threatening a Federation ship would not be good for him in the long run cause it would most certainly put his group on their radar and that wouldn't be good for business, but he didn't care. He had come here to retrieve his mother's artifact he was willing to get it by any means necessary.

“Eldus,” Nitus said her voice cracking as she said his name, "just leave. These people have done nothing to you.

“LIAR! he screamed at her as he jolted out of his chair, ”They stole it. I know they did. They have it and they are lying." He started to act suspiciously as if something was bothering him from the looks of it, in reality, it was all in his head.

“What- what do they have? Maybe if you tell me what you're looking for I could get them to give it to you,” she said to him trying to diffuse the situation without setting him off but it was far too late for that.

Eldus cursed himself for revealing that he had been searching for something. He slipped up something he had never done in the past twenty years. “You have 15 minutes to repair your warp systems then you will leave this system or meet your fate,” he said as he ended the transmission before she could even utter a response. Now it was a game of wait and see.

  • Nitus

    Commanding Officer

  • Eldus

    Head of Fleet Operations
    Crimson Fleet