Part of USS Luna: When God Is Angry

All Whom You Leave Behind

USS Luna
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—- Captain’s Dining Room, USS Luna —-


Captain Adriana Cruz and her First Officer Olivia Carrillo relaxed, a bottle of wine on the table and a pile of tacos on a plate as well. These were the kind in small soft corn tortillas with meat that might have been bought from a local vendor in Mexico City were Cruz was from. The two women were from different parts of the Earth but had faced many of the same challenges up the ladder of rank. Cruz had spotted herself in Carrillo which was why she had picked her for her First Officer, having fought her way into a position to pay it forward as she said.

”I’ll be done on the planet this mission,” Cruz said grabbing a taco in a kind of pinch between her two fingers and then putting it in her mouth. She chewed it, knowing the news would be both a surprise and a relief to her First Officer. The woman’s last outing had not gone well, and a relaxing few days back on the ship was in order.

”Are you sure that’s safe?” Carrillo asked.

”Federation colony, it’ll be some heavy diplomating,” Cruz said, “Take the break, have a few days off on the Holodeck.“

Carrillo frowned, “You talked to Kolem.”

It was not a question. The Second Officer and ship’s Chief Counselor was half Betazoid, and as much as Carrillo appreciated Cruz’s support she knew that the woman was closest to the Captain on the ship. She’d been on the USS Seattle the ship that Cruz had first captained.

”No, but I can tell you’re stressed,” Cruz said, “And the Counselors don’t tell me anything unless someone’s a danger to the ship or crew. But you can talk to me.”

”I was arguing with someone about Fleet Day, it brought up some memories,” Carrillo said.

Cruz nodded, “Obviously I’ve read your file. If you need to talk I’m here, if you need time, let me know.”

”Who are you taking to the planted?” Carrillo asked.

Cruz held up a hand, “Kolem, Acharya, Jara, Dornall, Winfield and some historian in the science department. You’ll be captain with Pr’Nor and Tashai to hold down the fort with. Miller’s off to a conference somewhere. She’ll take a Runabout and we’ll take the Captain’s Yacht.”

Carrillo did the mental math, that meant that Lambert as the away team had Winfield to pilot them, and that meant he would be staying behind, which was good for her. He had proven to be a calming presence for her, and a rest would not be the same without him. Remembering breaking down in the turbolift she said, “Do you have any advice, for dealing with the terrible things that happen?”

Cruz sighed, “I don’t have a story quite life yours. But I just remember how lucky I am to be where I am, and how I could be dead instead. Even the days that hurt make us stronger.”

Carrillo smiled, “Well I guess I’ll be the strongest one on the ship soon.”

Cruz nodded, “I have no doubt. I picked you because another officer would have broken. You kept going, and you’ll keep going because this is your life.”


—- Four Days Later, Bridge, USS Luna —-


“Captain’s Yacht away ma’am,” Pr’Nor said in her flat Vulcan tone. 

The small ship streaked towards the planet’s surface, leaving Commander Olivia Carrillo in charge of the USS Luna, and the crew that remained. Carrillo nodded, there was not much to do, scans would be run constantly but dedicated science ships had already studied the area and the Luna’s remaining science team’s had studies to do. Studies that did not need a commander butting into.

“I’ll be in the Holodeck if you need me,” Carrillo said, deciding to take Captain Cruz up on her orders to try to relax. She called Lambert who was finishing his duty shift to meet her there.


— Holodeck 3, USS Luna —-


Pierre Lambert looked impressed at the green water, “I still can’t get over the fact that we’re actually just in a room in the ship.”

Carrillo smiled, knowing that Lambert had come from a time before Holodecks. So the fact that he had the same reaction to the Holodeck as Carrillo’s grandpa had had was endearing. She had joked that he was like her grandfather, and in fact older if you didn’t account for the fact that he’d been thrown forward in time for so many years. He was wearing tight swimming trunks and though he seemed doubtful about it he dove into the ocean that had laid before him. He surfaced and spit a stream of water out, waved at her as she stuck a foot into the ocean.

”I’ve never been, Hawaii?” he asked.

”Maui, yes,” Carrillo said, “My father was in Starfleet there’s a base in Hawaii, used to be an old US Naval base.”

Lambert thought, “The one at Pearl Harbor?”

Carrillo nodded. There were still monuments up to the USS Arizona and site of the surprise attack. Lambert treaded water, backing up allowing her to jump in like a cannonball. She surfaced, spit out the water she had swallowed and swam to him.

”I like your swimwear,” he said, his skin brushing her shoulder as he reached for her.

”You like my cleavage,” she teased. 

Lambert smiled, “Man or woman, we all like a little of that. But you are, exquisite.”

Carrillo smiled, “You’re a smooth talker.”

”I’m French I had better be,” Lambert joked.

The pair was paddling water and in the middle of a kiss when a chime rang through the Holodeck. Commander Carrillo swam to the shore and with a word a console appeared allowing her to answer the communication. It was Captain Cruz.

”Nice swim suit,” Cruz said grinning at her First Officer.

”What can I do for you ma’am?“ Carrillo said.

”Starfleet is sending the Luna to border defense, a California-class was attacked and both it and the station it was checking in with are having technical issues,” Cruz said, “We’ll take care of the diplomating, you go and give them a hand. Pr’Nor will set course, she’s already got the coordinates.”

”I’ll go supervise,” Carrillo said.

”No, you’ll go back to swimming with Lieutenant Lambert, that’s as close to an order as I can make it without using my authority in your dating life Commander,” Cruz said, “Just come and get us when you’re done. And bring my ship back in one piece.”

”Yes ma’am,” Carrillo said nodding.

Cruz nodded and ended the transmission from the Captain’s Yacht. Lambert swam on his back for a bit, then floated as Carrillo checked in with the department heads still on board and then with Pr’Nor to ensure they were on their way and got an estimate on their arrival time.

“Three days,” she said as she swam towards Lambert.

”I heard, and I heard your orders,” he teased, “The Captain said you had to let me take you to dinner.”

”She said nothing of the sort,” Carrillo said, “but you can cook if you want.”