Part of USS Paramount: S1E1 | Helping Hands and USS Paramount: Season 1

Act Nine: Holding Back

Reliant, Deblin System, Alpha Quadrant; USS Paramount (NCC-75570), Deblin System, Alpha Quadrant; Invincible, Deblin System, Alpha Quadrant
Stardate: 240104.26, 01:58
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In high orbit of the planet Deblin III, the Reliant sat amongst a flotilla of pirate ships. The crew aboard the Reliant watched in horror as the other ships in the flotilla fired their weapons at the planet decimating its surface. Killing an unknown amount of people on the planet.

Soja sat on the bridge mortified at the events unfolding right in front of her. Each weapon blast felt like a dagger piercing her heart. It was as if she could hear the screams coming from the planet itself. She couldn't believe the person who neutered her, cared for her, and protected her could have done something like this. Soja knew her brother had changed but this… this was genocide.

“Ma'am,” an officer called out to her, bringing her out of her thoughts, “We have detected an incoming ship,” the officer said as his fingers danced across the screen trying to detect what the ship was affiliated with.

“It's Federation, ma'am," the officer said as Soja turned her head towards the officer in surprise.

[USS Paramount (NCC-75570)]

The Paramount drops out of warp inside an asteroid field on the edge of the system.

“We've arrived, Commander,” Enzo told Nitus as she walked over to the commander center. “What is happening?” she asked him, looking out of the viewscreen as she spotted the ships in orbit of the third planet. She presumed that it was where the colony was located.

Just then the screen magnified and the wave of gasps could be heard from around the bridge. They watched in horror at the sight of the flotilla above the planet firing its plasma weaponry in rapid succession.

As Nitus looked at the events laid in front of her heavy weight settled in her chest. A suffocating mix of horror, disbelief, and profound sorrow. Each blast from the ships that hung over the planet like vultures was like a dagger being wedged in her back tearing apart the fabric of her beliefs and shattering her sense of security.

She couldn't comprehend how the person she once looked up to, was her brother. Somehow she had come to admire for their courage and their beliefs could become the perpetrator of such unimaginable suffering.

“Take us close,” she said to Enzo, her voice quivering as she spoke. Barely speaking above a whisper, it tinged with sorrow and disbelief. Her voice craked like fragile ice under the weight of her emotions, struggling to convey the depths of her pain and confusion.

Her once steady voice and stature was now trembling with the weight of the unimaginable truth unfolding before her.

Enzo simply nodded to her acknowledging her order, he shared a brief look at T'Soni. A glance that spoe volumes without them having to even open their mouths.

His fingers danced across the screen as he inputted the controls moving the Paramount closer to the third planet.

“My lord,” an officer said as he turned to face the Romulan male who occupied the center chair, “A Federation ship has entered the system, Sir.”

Eldus leaned forward looking at the viewscreen, "Magnify, he said. The screen zoomed in and the Paramount appeared moving closer to the the ships.

“Lie in an intercept course, Lieutenant and have out escorts follow us in.”

The officer at the helm station inserted their new destination into the controls as the Invincible seceded its weapon fitting and moved from Deblin III's orbit heading straight for the Paramount.