Part of USS Columbia: Beyond Borders


USS Columbia - Officers Quarters
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“Come back to bed, Matthys,” the voice of Lieutenant Naomi Cross sounded. Her husband groaned beside her, “You better get up Owen, your shift starts in twenty minutes.” 

Matthys had once again spent the night as a guest in the Cross household – he had run into them both towards the end of the social gathering in Ten Forward the night prior. He had accepted their invitation to an afterparty and had parted ways with Samwell after making nice with their Cardassian guests. He had quickly developed a friendship with the husband and wife officers shortly after he first arrived to the Columbia – and they had been generous enough to let him use their quarters for a quiet space to paint when he was in the mood. He had been staying over for visits a lot less since he had become bunkmates with his friend Bollwyn.

Matthys was in the living area of their small shared quarters, planted in a corner where he had an assortment of paints spread across the palette he was holding. He mashed a couple of different colours together and then delicately added some to his brush before applying it to the canvas. It was the start of what would appear to be an abstract of the McAllister C-5 Nebula. The night prior he had learned that Samwell had voluntold him for a mission – a fact he had come to peace with quickly. He had not had much urge to sleep that night, so had snuck in some work on a gift that he intended to give to Samwell in recognition of his command of their away team. 

“What is that you’re working on?” Owen asked as he speedily rushed around the room gathering what he needed for the day. 

“Oh this…” Matthys looked at the canvas blankly for a moment before he fully answered, “it’s a nebula, I’m going to give to Sam…” He was abruptly cut off by Naomi who was now out of bed herself, clad in a silky and flowing robe. 

“A gift to Samwell you say.” Naomi crossed her arms and examined the work while she now stood beside Matthys. “It’s beautiful. You did this in a couple of hou– wait a minute. How come you’ve never painted something for us?” Her expression for a moment turned sour but evolved into a smile just as quickly as she had appeared by his side. 

Matthys groaned and rolled his eyes, “I didn’t say it was a gift. Just a memento I was going to give him after this away mission is done. He’s in command of it, you know, that’s a pretty big deal.” 

“So you told us. Only about a dozen times– right honey?” Owen added having finally gathered what he needed for the day. Owen playfully messed Matthys’ hair up, “It’s really sweet of you, Matthys. Although a gift is usually something you give someone, ya know. I’ve got to shower and then get to my shift. Don’t be a stranger, Matthys, eh?” Owen finished, gave his wife a quick peck on the lips, ruffled Matthys’ hair once more and then made his departure.

“What’s going on between the two of you? This Samwell and you?” Naomi asked as she assumed a seat near Matthys on the chair to his left. 

“Nothing is going on. He’s a friend.” Matthys responded curtly and continued to work on the painting.

“Right. And I’m the Queen of Betazed,” Naomi playfully slapped Matthys’ shoulder with the back of her hand. “Matthys. Owen and I have only known you a short while, granted, but we both have seen just how much you’ve changed since Ensign Bollwyn came into your life. You didn’t seem to care at all about being here, and now you’re going on an away mission and painting a memento for your friend.”

“He’s just a friend, Naomi. I can’t argue the fact that he somehow makes me want to be better than I am, but that doesn’t mean something is going on.” Matthys looked up at his friend and gave her a somewhat stern expression, it indicated that she best not push her narrative any further.

“Fine fine. How about you at least have him over to dinner sometime with Owen and I?” Naomi grinned as she put the invite out there in the open.

“I might consider having him over for a meal but that’s all that it’ll be – he’s far too straight edge for your famous afterparties.” Matthys took his paintbrush and waved it in Naomi’s face before returning it to the canvas. He continued to expand on the outer edge of the nebula as it met the darkness of space.

“A meal. That’s all. I promise.” Naomi stood back up and secured her robe. “I’m going back to bed. I suggest you either come lay down or return to those awful lower deck bunks for some shut eye, you’ll need some rest before you take off on that fun adventure with your friend,” she finished and gave Matthys a wink and playful slap on the shoulder once more before she returned to her bed.

“I’ll be done this soon and then I’m going to get back to that sad excuse of a quarters area us ensigns are graced with. Thanks again to you and Owen for your… hospitality,” Matthys replied softly and continued to work on finishing his creation.