Part of USS Luna: New Normal and Task Force 86: Headquarters


USS Luna - The Triangle
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—- USS Luna, VIP Lounge —-


Captain Adriana Cruz sat waiting as a security team lead two Orion women into the lounge. One was Dorana and the other was slightly younger and more modestly dressed, at least for an Orion. The two had a resemblance, but Cruz was not sure what to chalk that up to. She stood and nodded in greeting, wanting to be formal with the Orions, treating them like this was a real diplomatic negotiation and not just trying to deal with the hostage taking at hand.

“Captain, I do find it insulting that your security team met us, as if we’re here to steal secrets,” Dorana grinned her white teeth contrasting with her dark green skin tone. She smiled, oozing disdain for the security team and the measures that the Starfleet crew had put in place to handle the Orions, including being inoculated against the mind altering pheromones, an inoculation that Cruz herself had undergone.

Cruz shrugged, “Well you want something you’ve kidnapped our crew. Now let’s have a seat, and we can negotiate.“

The door opened and Sub-Lieutenant S’anra Navana entered, Cruz introduced her, “Sub-Lieutenant Navana will be joining us, as a representative of the Romulan government. Since you’ve yet to tell us what it is you want.”

Dorana took a seat, “Well I want two things, and given that I have your people and a much larger ship I expect you to agree to them. Or you’ll find out how ruthless I can be. First let my ship pass, we’re not in Federation space so there’s no place or need for a check. If there was illegal contraband on the ship, well, perhaps talk to your colonists about that, and not the middle man who’s just delivering it.”

While Cruz did not want to cede on the point of being able to search pirate ships for contraband she also knew that not only where the away team’s lives at risk, but also everyone on the USS Luna given that fact that Dorana’s ship was so much better armed than them. Better to let one ship pass than to die and let it pass anyway.

”What’s the other thing?” Cruz asked, this whole situation had been setup by Dorana for something. She’d arrived quickly when they’d sent a boarding team aboard the ship, she must want something else.

”Why Captain this next favor is for your own good. I want you to become a mother,” Dorana said her face beaming as if she was delivering the most delightful news.

”Excuse me?” Cruz asked, not understanding what was being asked of her.

”The Triangle is becoming increasingly fraught, dangerous even. You would be surprised at some of the shady characters here Captain. Now an expansionist Klingon empire has taken more liberties here than they used to and unrelated I ended up owing some dangerous people some Latinum,” Dorana explained, “Now I’ve got a crew I trust and there’s not a lot of ways to get to me, but…“

”But,” Cruz said still not understanding what this had to do with her having a child.

”But my daughter was not cut out for this life, and she’s my weak spot,” the Orion said, “Captain let me introduce Vanuoma my daughter.” 

Dorana nodded to the younger Orion woman to her left. The only one she had come aboard with, she was likely in her early twenties, not a child by any stretch, but though it was hard to judge the Orion women’s age, suddenly it made more sense, and if Dorana had had Vanuoma at a young age, comprehensible. Cruz stole a glance at Navana who only rose an eyebrow in a Vulcan like gesture.

”We’re not a Galaxy-class ship we don’t take civilians,” Cruz said.

”Make her a Lieutenant Commander or something, she can be a part of your crew,” Dorana said.

”I’m not making someone a Lieutenant Commander at the drop of a hat,” Cruz said, “But I can find something for her to do, but she’s subject to all the rules and laws of the Federation and Starfleet if she comes with us. If you want to come with us Vanuoma.”

The younger Orion nodded, “Mother says it’s safer for me. I’ll come, and follow your laws.”

Cruz glanced at Navana again and then back at Dorana, “Why us?“

”I waited for a female Captain specifically. So there’s less chance of Vanuoma being taken advantage of. Men at times have certain expectations for the role Orions play, especially Orion women,” Dorana said, “Your ship‘s leadership is mostly women, I trust that you’ll do your best to look after her.”

Cruz nodded, “Fair point, though most Starfleet ships and Captains of any gender would have been fine.”

”Most but not all,” Dorana said. 

“Give us our people back and I’ll uphold my part. Vanuoma you’re now a Crewman, we’ll figure out where to put you later but welcome to the Luna,” Cruz said with a nod.

”I hope this is a start of a beautiful friendship Captain,” Dorana said grinning.

”You’re a pirate,” Cruz said.

”I’m an independent business woman just trying to make my way in the galaxy,” Dorana countered.