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Eos Station: Echoes of the Empire

Elena Mitchell, newly appointed Commander of Eos Station, arrives to find the station in utter disrepair after decades of abandonment.

Mission Description

“Sometimes, survival demands the harshest of choices.” – Veronica Roth


Elena Mitchell, newly appointed Commander of Eos Station, arrives to find the station in utter disrepair after decades of abandonment. As she steps onto the neglected decks, the weight of her new role bears down on her shoulders. However, the unexpected death of the Romulan Ambassador will test her resolve. Navigating the delicate balance of diplomacy and political conspiracy, Elena and her crew must find a way to bring this once-great station into the future.

About the Mission

Eos Station
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31 March 2024

Betrayal At Eos

Eos Station: Echoes of the Empire

Elena Mitchell stood in the middle of operations, her eyes glued on the viewscreen as reports of increased tensions flooded in from across the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. The political landscape had swerved once again, leaving Starfleet in a shaky position. She may not have understood it all, but she [...]

12 March 2024

Shadows at Eos

Eos Station: Echoes of the Empire

As news of Ambassador T’vel’s death started to filter throughout the entire station, a noticeable tension seemed to fill the air. To the casual observer, this was a tragic loss for the Romulan delegation; however, to Rempeck, it was a stark reminder of the delicate balance between diplomacy and [...]

11 March 2024

Echoes at Eos

Eos Station: Echoes of the Empire

In the holodeck aboard Eos Station, Sezra Prad found herself surrounded by the holographic representations of her past hosts. She had been prepping for this session for some time now, but nothing had prepared her for the moment she saw them. It was odd, looking at people that were both her and not [...]

3 March 2024

Catastrophe At Eos

Eos Station: Echoes of the Empire

  “Commodore, I strongly disagree with this move,” Elena protested one last time. She knew it wouldn’t work, but that nagging need to object before the Commodore cut her off was strong. “This isn’t a good move, not now, at least. I just took over, and we are still neck-deep in [...]