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USS Arcturus: Refresh

Laid up for a refit, Arcturus is set for a major refresh, while her crew struggles to handle the downtime.

Mission Description

Laid up for a refit, Arcturus is set for a major refresh, while her crew struggles to handle the downtime.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

15 February 2024

03. Ready Room

USS Arcturus: Refresh

After two laps around the widest part of the ship, Captain Lancaster was physically exhausted. His mind was also abuzz with an unusual encounter with his yeoman. Lancaster exhaled when Kaplan had passed through the ready room doors into the vestibule, but his ears perked up when he heard Kaplan say [...]

15 February 2024

02. Run

USS Arcturus: Refresh

Even though he’d done his routine workout that morning, he found himself unable to sit still by the afternoon, so he’d turned his daily one-on-one meeting with his yeoman, Ensign Kaplan, into a run from stern to bow. They were running at a pace just slow enough that they could still have a [...]

15 February 2024

01. Laid Up

USS Arcturus: Refresh

Captain’s Log, Stardate 2401.6   Final preparations for our upcoming baryon sweep are underway. I don’t relish the thought of leaving my bridge, but this essential maintenance procedure and the subsequent overhaul will ensure that we are prepared for our new assignment in the Olympia [...]