USS Seattle: Sea-Fever
The USS Seattle Hunts Pirates
The USS Seattle Hunts Pirates
20 December 2023
—- Sickbay —- For dealing with a millions of years old would be conquerer the solution did seem quite slapstick to Captain Adriana Cruz. It required her engineering department to build a device that looked in no small part like a twenty-first century hand held vacuum attached to a glass [...]
19 December 2023
—- Ready Room —- What happened next was a flurry of activity that after the fact Captain Adriana Cruz had issues putting down on PADD. Lieutenant Claudia Jara entered the ready room and saw the Captain being manhandled by two members of her senior staff, and a third staring into her eyes [...]
19 December 2023
the wind’s like a whetted knife
USS Seattle: Sea-Fever—- Personal Quarters, Assistant Chief of Security William Hume —- Lieutenant Junior Grade William Hume had just gotten off shift. One of the advantages of being a section head, or assistant section head, was that he got his own room rather than having to share with someone. Even that was [...]
16 December 2023
—- Bridge —- The USS Seattle dropped out of warp and eased through the solar system on impulse power. The crew scanned the planet and plotted the course that would take the nimble little Rhode Island class into a stable orbit around the abandoned world. Finding the two missing officers [...]