Part of Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

USS Brawley: Maiden Voyage

The first voyage of the USS Brawley and it's new commander and crew.

Mission Description

The USS Brawley, currently undergoing out of Starbase 86 with it’s new Commanding Officer and senior staff, will be dragged into a underworld the likes none of them could anticipate. Will they escape with their hands clean and morals held high?

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

30 November 2023

Part One: Arrival

USS Brawley: Maiden Voyage

The USS Brawley exited warp a week after it’s initial departure from Starbase 86. The crew had spent that time getting to know their new stations and especially their new colleagues. Some, like Chief Petty Officer Dukarn, had spent years on the ship. But most, like her entire senior staff, were [...]

27 November 2023


USS Brawley: Maiden Voyage

Captain Logan Walker stepped out of the turbolift and was met by his new First Officer; Commander Samantha Haynes. He smiled warmly and nodded to her. They had served together before on a prior ship and had even attended the Academy together, though Logan was already a Junior Cadet by the time she [...]