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USS Seattle: In A World Called Catasrophe

The USS Seattle launches with a new crew and a new cast.

Mission Description

The USS Seattle launches with a new crew and a new cast.

About the Mission

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10 October 2023

Start The Riot

USS Seattle: In A World Called Catasrophe

Fight! war! fire! violence! death! police! TV! #$@! you!Start the riot! start the riot! start the riot! start the riot now! Atari Teenage Riot, “Start The Riot” [Arlila]   Lieutenant Junior Grade William Hume had found it surprisingly easy to grow his crowd from a few dozen people to a [...]

5 October 2023

Lost and Found

USS Seattle: In A World Called Catasrophe

[Bridge]   The Cardassian looked annoyed as he glowered from the viewscreen. Of course to Captain Hawthorne Cardassians always looked mad, or frustrated so it was hard to judge how well this was going. He smiled, and repeated the offer, “Let me send a team down to the planet we’ll go in [...]

4 October 2023

Standing Tall Still

USS Seattle: In A World Called Catasrophe

[USS Seattle - Chief Counselor’s Office] Turkana IV was a horror show. Lieutenant Yuhiro Kolem had been reading up on the failed colony since now one of her patients was the Seattle’s new Assistant Chief Strategic Officer Claudia Jara. Other Starfleet officers had come from there but it [...]

3 October 2023

Begin Again

USS Seattle: In A World Called Catasrophe

[USS Seattle – Captain’s Ready Room]   Captain Nathan Hawthorne could swear that he could feel the difference between being on the USS Anaheim and the USS Seattle. As a newer, quicker and all around better ship it felt better, though he knew that intellectually he could not tell the two [...]