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Part of Bravo Fleet: Frontier Day

USS Constellation: Lose Yourself Sometimes, Part II

Without her XO or Chief Science Officer, the USS Constellation crawls into an orbital dry dock at the Avalon Fleet Yard for much-needed repairs. Captain Taes believes she'll be celebrating Frontier Day alone, but she still has far more of her crew yet to lose.

Mission Description

Frontier Day has come again!  This time around it’s the 250th anniversary of Starfleet’s origin.  The newest starship Constellation was planned to participate in the parade through space –to celebrate its storied lineage– but the damage she took battling the Dominion at the Battle of Farpoint was too severe.  With Executive Officer Kellin Rayco, and Chief Science Officer Flavia still missing, Captain Taes takes her crew to a place of safety for repairs and shore leave.  While much of the fleet is relishing in the spirit of exploration, Constellation will be sitting on the sidelines at the Avalon Fleet Yards, the birthplace of the Fourth Fleet’s vessels.

…What could possibly go wrong?

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14 August 2023

Lose Yourself Sometimes II - 3

USS Constellation: Lose Yourself Sometimes, Part II

“We only found out afterwards that a rogue faction of Changelings had infiltrated Starfleet,” Taes said.  “They were the ones spreading misinformation about the Dominion invasion of the Deneb Sector.  They lowered the Federation’s guard, taking advantage of Doctor Marl Trojet’s [...]

28 July 2023

Lose Yourself Sometimes II - 2

USS Constellation: Lose Yourself Sometimes, Part II

Later   In the half-light of the med bay, Taes clutched Kellin’s combadge in her fist. “I needed you, Kellin,” she said.  “On Frontier Day, I needed your calm centre.  Your voice of reason would have swayed me; you could have changed everything.  By then… I was [...]

27 July 2023

Lose Yourself Sometimes II - 1

USS Constellation: Lose Yourself Sometimes, Part II

Later   Her breath caught in her throat. “I never wanted to do any of this without you,” Taes said. In better days, the fit of her uniform had the power to bring rigidity to her posture.  That assertive posture was nowhere to be found.  She had nothing left.  Leaning over a [...]