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USS Venture: Episode 4: Requiem for the Fallen

When the youngest members of her crew go rogue, Captain T'Prynn and her staff must wage a war for survival...

Mission Description

In the midst of the vibrant Frontier Day celebrations on Earth, the USS Venture arrives to partake in the festivities. Captain T’Prynn and her diverse crew prepare to play a leading role in the Fleet Formation demonstrations, unaware of the impending disaster lurking bellow decks.

As the celebrations reach a crescendo, a powerful signal originating from Jupiter is intercepted by Venture’s advanced communications array. Unbeknownst to the crew, the signal acts as an activation trigger for dormant Borg nanites that lie dormant in the bloodstream of the ship’s youngest crewmembers. One by one, these nanites awaken, infiltrating their hosts’ bodies and subjugating their will. Friends and family members, once trusted allies, become vessels of the Borg Collective, turning against their loved ones and embracing the merciless hive mind.

With their ship now under the control of the assimilated crew members, Captain T’Prynn and the remaining unassimilated crew find themselves pitted against an enemy far superior in strength and technology. The Borg’s relentless pursuit of perfection and relentless assimilation efforts threaten not only the Venture but also the entire Fleet gathered at Earth.

Amidst the chaos, Captain T’Prynn and her senior staff must harness their leadership skills and resourcefulness to rally the remaining crew members and mount a desperate resistance. Together, they navigate the labyrinthine corridors of their own ship, engaging in intense battles against their once-loyal comrades turned Borg drones, all in the name of survival…

About the Mission

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USS Venture: Episode 4: Requiem for the Fallen

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