USS Cardiff (Archive)
Thagomizer // Lost Fleet
To come
Part of Bravo Fleet: The Lost Fleet
To come
17 June 2023
“Yes, yes! This will work! This will work, Captain!” Reva turned from Kaalir to the usually dour Koban, whose face fairly glowed. Seeing joy was a rare thing these days and even rarer for Koban. The engineers had been working [...]
8 June 2023
“Captain, do you really think there’s something here?” Kaalir asked. The group had safely landed on Paxtar, no storm eddies catching them. Now they were carefully making their way up a scree-filled slope, Sarrik doggedly focused on the path [...]
20 May 2023
Captain’s Log, Stardate 2305.13: The unthinkable has happened. The Dominion has returned. After all this time, the Dominion has returned. The Fourth Fleet has been summoned to the Deneb Sector. The Cardiff has been tasked with scouting for resources to aid the war effort. Reva watched [...]