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Part of Bravo Fleet: The Lost Fleet

USS Polaris: Infiltrate and Liberate Nasera (The Lost Fleet – Part 1)

Behind enemy lines, clearing the way for the Fourth Fleet to retake the Nasera System.

Mission Description

Nasera II is one of the oldest and most developed Federation colonies in the Deneb sector. Close to the Breen border, it came under assault when the Confederacy joined forces with the Lost Fleet. Caught off-guard and overwhelmed by the massive blitzkrieg, it fell despite its extensive defensive infrastructure, and the planetary government surrendered to avoid a catastrophic death toll.

Intelligence suggests that the Dominion has control of Nasera’s sophisticated planetary defense network and has retrofitted a large orbital station as a weapons platform, enabling the majority of their warships to move on to other objectives, only a small rearguard of ships remaining overhead. Meanwhile, Jem’Hadar soldiers and Vorta commanders oversee the occupation on the ground, forcing the residents to direct Nasera’s entire industrial might towards the Dominon’s ongoing war effort.

While the USS Polaris heads to the Eplulap Nebula to link up with her sister ships for a counter-offensive, a covert operations team is sent to slip past enemy lines and establish a presence on the ground, conduct reconnaissance, and sabotage planetary defenses to clear the way for the Fourth Fleet to take back the system. Unless the team is successful and planetary defenses are brought offline, Starfleet casualty rates will be too high to justify the liberation of the system from the yoke of the Dominion.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date

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Harsh Realities of War

USS Polaris: Infiltrate and Liberate Nasera (The Lost Fleet - Part 1)

The weight of the Admiral’s pips felt heavy in his hand. Allison Reyes had thrown them on the floor before she charged into that brawl on the streets of Nasera, and Captain Devreux hadn’t let go of them ever since. They were a symbol of what every officer was putting on the line down [...]

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USS Polaris: Infiltrate and Liberate Nasera (The Lost Fleet - Part 1)

“Admiral Reyes asked if you’d meet her downtown.” “Only if there’s another Vorta that needs to be shot,” Commander Lewis replied coldly. They’d just been through hell, and he was not ready to be a Starfleet officer again just yet. “Figured as much. Told her you’d call her when you [...]