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USS Hathaway: Season 2: Ulysses, the Great Wanderer

A Galaxy-class starship in all of her glory, the USS Ulysses served Bravo Fleet proudly. These missions during the crew's second season serve as their journey through history, their chronicles of a time long since gone but fondly remembered by all.

Mission Description

A symbol of elegance from an age of peaceful exploration and scientific endeavour, a presence never to be scoffed at or underestimated, and a vessel of legend. Wherever she goes, stories are sure to follow. Her kin have made first contact with hundreds, if not thousands of species. Treaties have been forged between implacable enemies on her decks. Whilst age now limits her to less than forty sisters travelling the stars, their space frame no longer under construction and the final of their scheduled refits having been concluded, she remains a posting of prestige, of desire. Captains and crew members alike plead for a chance to walk her hallowed halls and to sit at the heart of her bridge.

She glides through the heavens with the poise of a princess, a symbol of all that is good in the universe, flying the flag of peace, as the sister of the former flagship of the fleet. Klingon warriors sing songs in her honor; Cardassian cruisers flee at the very mention of her name; Dominion attack ships had to pay the ultimate sacrifice to eliminate her brethren; and even the very best ships the Romulans could once call upon were no match for her prowess.

A sight these days rarer than a Ferengi donating latinum to the Bajoran war orphans fund. A sight to behold. A guardian of the galaxy, an angel of mercy.

A Galaxy-class starship in all of her glory, the USS Ulysses served Bravo Fleet proudly. These missions during the crew’s second season serve as their journey through history, their chronicles of a time long since gone but fondly remembered by all.

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