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USS Dragon: Fafnir

The USS Dragon launches from DS47 with the mission to map, launch communication/sensor arrays and conduct 2nd and possible first level contacts along the Breen border heading out past the Ultima Thule line.

Mission Description

The USS Dragon launches from DS47 with the mission to map, launch communication/sensor arrays and conduct 2nd and possible first level contacts along the Breen border heading out past the Ultima Thule line.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

25 July 2023

Fafnir - 7

USS Dragon: Fafnir

Aryanna and Meadow exited the briefing room several minutes after the meeting had finished and the Aztec’s crew had departed. Viameli stood from the center chair as the other two approached, handing the dragon ring to the captain. “Seems as if the Aztec was not the only gift from Captain [...]

17 July 2023

Fafnir - 6.1

USS Dragon: Fafnir

Captain we have arrived at the Suelaiktnor system.” “Thank you Viameli. Zoltia, so where do we start?” “I would recommend long range scans and probes, at this time captain. Depending on what we find we can then decide on a further course of action.” Aryanna nodded and motioned for her [...]

13 July 2023

Fafnir - 6

USS Dragon: Fafnir

Aryanna looked over at the comms office and held a finger to her lips, received a nod in reply and turned toward Bearsong. “Something is off, he is stalling. What are our other friends doing?” “We can’t tell for sure, they could be getting ready to tow the array but right now they are [...]

3 July 2023

Fafnir - 5

USS Dragon: Fafnir

One of the Breen ships moved slightly as it began to face toward the Dragon as the other approached the array. “Captain, they are hailing us, no video voice only.” Aryanna looked over at Meadow. “Well, it was your message.” Meadow nodded “Put them through, ensign.” “Ahhhh captain [...]