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USS Cantabras: Family Reunion

The Cantabras is tasked with finding an up-and-coming terrorist group and putting an end to their actions. But for one crew member, the mission cuts a little close to home.

Mission Description

Located in the Beta Quadrant, the planet of Sitera has been plagued by a series of escalating terrorist incidents within its capital city. The situation has worsened in recent years, as the frequency and intensity of these acts have increased. Amidst this turmoil, a previously fragmented collection of revolutionaries has emerged, identifying themselves as Shining Hope. Their unification has presented a formidable challenge for the planet’s government, prompting them to seek assistance from the Federation in dealing with this antagonistic group.

Taking charge of the mission, the Cantabras, have been assigned the critical task of tracking down and neutralizing the members of Shining Hope. Their primary objective is to bring the individuals responsible for these acts of terror to justice, effectively putting an end to their destructive actions. The Federation’s intervention is sought to restore stability and peace to the capital city, allowing its inhabitants to live without the constant fear and turmoil brought about by Shining Hope.

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6 May 2023

Epilogue of Regrets

USS Cantabras: Family Reunion

“I thank your team for their hard work in solving this problem with the Shining Hope, Commander,” Lifaeal said, hands clasped behind his back. “I’m glad we were able to resolve it with little loss of life,” Alex replied. “Regrettably, you were unable to capture their leader and bring [...]

6 May 2023

Tea With the Enemy

USS Cantabras: Family Reunion

“You look just like your mother,” Alex said flatly. “Please, you didn’t come all this way to tell me that,” April fired back. The men that flanked her started to advance on the team, but April’s raised hand stopped them. “Wait. Commander Benson is a trained diplomat. So let’s work [...]

6 May 2023

The Final Assault

USS Cantabras: Family Reunion

“What am I looking at,” Alex asked, staring at the screen with crossed arms. “This section here,” Priam pointed. “Is a large energy signature emission. Whatever’s down there is generating a lot of heat.” “I think we found Shining Hope’s “’glorious reckoning’,” Alex [...]

4 May 2023

Enemy Mine

USS Cantabras: Family Reunion

“Well this is fabulous,” Alex said, his breath catching. “Are you all right?” “I’m trapped behind several meters of rubble in a dark hole so, you know, not my best day.” Alex attempted to calm his breathing. “Oh, and I’m not a fan of enclosed spaces.” “According to this,” [...]