USS Mariner (Archive)
M2: All the Voices in My Head
The Mariner crew is sent back to the lion's den or also known to many as the Delta Quadrant. They have to investigate a Starfleet outpost close to the new borders of the Devore Imperium.
Mission Description
“Something happens to you when you leave…the further you get….the hazy it becomes“
“The events of Grid 168 stay unresolved if you don’t accept it“
“Kid….no…please let him go“
“We can’t let it happen again….“
“Family is a definition of happiness. Whoever wrote that ….never met mine“
“For sixty-two years, I dreamt of you. I craved you, I missed you“
While Captain Kobahl returns to her sane mind after being joined with the symbiont and cast out the intruder that happened during the Blood Dilithium Operation. The Mariner and Captain Kobahl were not given a break and had to deal with the tense situation of transporting a vital package to the Deneb War Zone. It contributed to the end of the Lost Fleet’s further advantage. Still, they also had to deal with a small mutiny that ended the careers of the mutineers Lieutenant Shew, Lieutenant Cailra, and four others. And lastly losing Lieutenant T’path during the popular event of Frontier Day….
Mariner is ordered to travel back to Delta Quadrant to start their deep space exploration near the chaotic space and newly formed Devore Imperium borders. However, at Markonian Outpost they are asked to check out Lupina Trade Outpost which went silent a month ago. But there is more than meets the eye, as something sinister awaits in the dark. Will Captain Kobahl be able to resolve her past? Will Commander Ruslanovna be able to let her feelings be separate from her duties? As Commander Valerio adapts to the new surroundings again, how will he coop with the changes?