Part of USS Hathaway: Season 3: Prometheus Squadron

USS Hathaway: Episode 12: Redemption

Redemption awaits a number of crew replacements eager to atone for the loss of a comrade. Meanwhile, exploration is the order of the day as the Intrepid makes its way into the dangerous Typhon Expanse...

Mission Description

Returning to the sanctuary of Deep Space 17 after months along the Romulan border under the command of Captain T’Prynn, the USS Intrepid undergoes some routine maintenance during her layover. Old faces move on in pursuit of fresh new challenges on some of the finest ships in the fleet, but replacements soon arrive in search of redemption.

Having served aboard the Starship Ulysses during the Blood Dilithium crisis, these new faces suffered a devastating trauma that each continues to struggle with; each blames themselves for being unable to prevent the murder of their former Captain, even now, some three months later. A mission into the Typhon Expanse allows each to come to terms with their loss whilst getting back to basics – the exploration of a scientific phenomenon.

About the Mission

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18 May 2023

Over the hill and far away

USS Hathaway: Episode 12: Redemption

Ice fields and enormous peaks made up the Andorian landscape across the entire planet, but the treacherous Northern Wastes was the home of the tallest peak on Andoria and was the site of Vasoch’s would-be-attempt to fulfil the last wishes of his fallen comrade. While he had planned to engage in [...]

3 April 2023

Wall of Heroes

USS Hathaway: Episode 12: Redemption

Risa. Paradise. Warm tropical breezes, exotic foods, nothing to do but sit around all day. It was the dream vacation spot for everyone and anyone. Except for a miserable Tellarite going through some difficult times, which was why Vasoch Gor, formally the executive officer of the starship Ulysses, [...]

2 April 2023

You Feelin' Alright?

USS Hathaway: Episode 12: Redemption

Psychiatric practices in Cardassian culture must be utterly horrifying is the first thought that jumped to Binshou’s mind, but it wouldn’t make for a very good conversation opener. And a bit of conversation would ease the tedium of calibrating the medical tricorder he’d received from Dr. [...]

25 February 2023

CH2: An unexpected delay brings a welcome arrival

USS Hathaway: Episode 12: Redemption

Standing in the transporter room with his hands clasped behind his back, Commander Kauhn couldn’t help but tap his feet in frustration as he waited for the visitor that had been assigned to their vessel at the last minute, putting the brakes on their impending departure for the Typhon Expanse. [...]