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USS Eagle: Serving in Starfleet

Serving in Starfleet.

Mission Description

Serving in Starfleet.

About the Mission

USS Eagle
In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

14 June 2024

Eagle, Take Two

USS Eagle: Serving in Starfleet

Ready Room Captain Matt Kirby was finishing going over the files and records of the crew rotations and transfers to the Eagle.  It could be tedious work, but he was always glad to see fresh, young, new people starting their Starfleet careers.  It reminded him of how excited and eager he [...]

14 June 2024

Not Again!

USS Eagle: Serving in Starfleet

Hok let out a long and frustrated sigh. It was two days since he had gone to Glosh for help, but he hadn’t heard anything yet. To compound matters, he wasn’t getting new business or clients in his private security company. If he was a paranoid man, he would have thought someone with influence [...]

11 June 2024

Paying for Help

USS Eagle: Serving in Starfleet

“There’s someone here to see you.” “Who is it?” “He didn’t say his name, but he claims to be an old friend.” “Did he mention what he wanted?” “No.” “Did he bribe you to ask me if I’ll see him?” “He did.” “All right.  Send him in. === Hok was pacing nervously [...]

11 June 2024


USS Eagle: Serving in Starfleet

After the ambush at Glun’s bar, Hok had to lay low.  The discovery of the three bodies led to an investigation by local law enforcement, of course, and Hok wanted nothing to do with that.  If he was identified as the person that survived and got away, he could be accused of being behind [...]