USS Hathaway (Archive)
Episode 9: Blood Dilithium Part 1 (The Great Escape)
Held in orbit of an unknown world, her crew confined to their quarters with restricted communications and soldiers roaming her halls, Ulysses is now the property of the dangerous Devore Imperium... at least until her crew can mount the unlikeliest of escapes...
Mission Description
In the midst of a mission to scout possible locations for dilithium refineries, the starship Ulysses has been detained, her crew confined to their quarters and the ship towed to Haess IV, a detention facility on the edge of Devore space by a Devore inspection team led by Commander Kravik. But not before the crew did everything in their power to sabotage systems and make the ship a hollow prize for their captors. Charged with the crime of harbouring telepaths, the Captain and her crew are forced to watch as three of their crewmates were led away, seemingly to never be seen again.
With only a handful of personnel let out of confinement at any given moment in order to keep key systems functioning, Captain sh’Elas and her crew must work out a way of escaping captivity, regaining control of their ship and rescuing their crewmates. When the time comes, key personnel leap into action, but can they pull off the greatest of escapes?