RRW Jarok (Archive)
M1-Part I: Adrift
The beginning of a three part mission, to introduce the bird for the story of a new crew who serve in the Romulan Republic Navy and to explain why the name that they had chosen. -An Upcoming Mission! Something for those to look forward to when deciding to create a character of the Romulan Republic and join the Jarok!
Mission Description
After his recent promotion, Commander Saren has been given a team to investigate a derelict vessel, a Valdore-class. A scout ship located this vessel adrift in unclaimed territory that once belonged to the Romulan Star Empire, but was unsure if it was a ruse to lure Republic ships to it, only to wind up destroyed in an ambush. But after a series of scans, the scout ship reported the vessel’s location, and Republic Naval Command decided to send a team to investigate. If the vessel can be repaired and returned to the Republic Naval Yards, they will have yet another ship to add to the fleet. Commander Saren and his team will take a Kestrel-class runabout to the derelict vessel and investigate. Their mission is to find out what happened to the crew, why they abandoned the ship, and what they can do to restore functionality. For example, is the singularity core still functioning? Or is it a simple matter of the computer core being corrupted? Once they are able to restore the functionality of the ship and get some answers, they receive a distress call from an independent colony about fifteen minutes away at warp seven. This will leave Saren and his team in a conflict of interest. Should they return the warbird for repairs and the crew compliment or answer the distress call and perhaps influence a colony to join the Republic?