Part of USS Cygnus: Outbreak

USS Cygnus: Where Everyone Knows Your Name

The USS Cygnus is a heavy cruiser with a varied crew from many member-worlds of the Federation. This is where their personal story unfolds outside of the mission.

Mission Description

Where Everyone Knows Your Name. A familiar phrase spoken, and often unspoken, about a place where you go to share yourself with your friends, share your story, share your past and your future. The Officers and Crew of the USS Cygnus has a place like that as well, right here. This is to serve concurrently with the ongoing mission to develop the character, to develop relationships with your fellow shipmate, to do and see and experience all the things that are not a part of the general mission the Cygnus is on.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date

1 September 2022

The Spangler Maneuver Doesn't Involve Sheep

USS Cygnus: Where Everyone Knows Your Name

ON It had been three days since the destruction of the Crystalline Entity. Two days ago, Bane had talked to just about every single Admiral at Starfleet Command about their mission and the events with the Crystalline Entity, and had updated the Strategic Operations Officer of their sector as well. [...]

31 August 2022


USS Cygnus: Where Everyone Knows Your Name

Trill Homeworld Lochees Household 23 December 2401 (Earth calendar) ======= Sweat ran down Temerant’s back as he jogged one final lap around the Ty’avyt Nature Park. The rush of endorphins was just as sweet as Bast desired. For Lamorra it had been swimming, for Willem it was rock or ice [...]