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USS Arcturus: Counseling the Arcturus

Counselor Kora Sharma boards the Arcturus and gets to know the senior staff.

Mission Description

Counselor Kora Sharma boards the Arcturus and gets to know the senior staff.

About the Mission

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23 May 2022

Timothy Marshall and Arco Armstrong

USS Arcturus: Counseling the Arcturus

Part of any good counselor’s role was to get to know the general atmosphere and feel of the ship she served on. Aboard Artemis, Counselor Sharma had found things, for the most part, to be relatively sedate. The Obena-class ship had been assigned to diplomatic duties and had a large number of [...]

23 May 2022

Larus Alesser

USS Arcturus: Counseling the Arcturus

When Counselor Sharma had first boarded Arcturus, there were no more senior officers aboard to report to. She managed to go about a week nominally as the highest-ranking officer present before the first officer arrived. Since the reconfigurations to the bridge and deck two were still being [...]

23 May 2022

Austin Carver

USS Arcturus: Counseling the Arcturus

A workbee pulling a cargo train chugged past Arcturus as maintenance pods, shuttles, and DOTs flitted around the massive starship, which was nearing the end of a three-week refit and resupply at Starbase Four. Counselor Kora Sharma watched it with a smile, not because she was particularly [...]