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Part of USS Erigone: How a Harris Hopes

USS Erigone: How a Harris Hopes

Where Harris begins, and what comes of his assignment to the Raven class ship.

Mission Description

Harris getting acclimated to the ship and crew.

About the Mission

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23 May 2022

Into the Black

USS Erigone: How a Harris Hopes

USS Erigone – Bridge – 0800 “She’s ready, ‘Brose.  Took us longer than I expected, but everything is back where it belongs and as it should be.”  Masterchief Christopher Grace handed over the PADD with the details, “You’re cleared for launch.  I see you got assigned a [...]

22 May 2022

The Doc's Inspection

USS Erigone: How a Harris Hopes

USS Erigone – Bridge – 0800 “….it’ll take us a few days to complete, ‘Brose.  She’ll be ready.”  Masterchief Christopher Grace handed Harris the PADD with the updated schedule.  “You need me, holler.” Ambrose gave a nod and returned his attention to the command [...]

21 May 2022

A Summit of Two

USS Erigone: How a Harris Hopes

USS Erigone – Bridge – 1700 =^=There are nine hundred instances of modifications, adjustments, or other changes to the USS Erigone from its original design markers=^=  The computer had been hard at work scanning the ship from one end to the other, and Harris had been working before that [...]

20 May 2022

The Commander and The Doctor

USS Erigone: How a Harris Hopes

Starbase Bravo-1400 “You have got to be kidding me.”  Jordan Reid sat in the office of a Starfleet assignment officer and had just been told her next assignment was to a Raven class ship that hadn’t even been rated for launch.  “I was hoping for a ship bigger than a toy, [...]