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USS Altai: Here Be Monsters

The USS Altai is dispatched to reactivate an abdandoned listening post in a remote sector near the Breen border.

Mission Description

When early mariners first set out on the great seas and began to make charts, they would mark the edges of the map where the unknown, unexplored ocean lay with a simple phrase: “Here be monsters…”

Now, on the edge of the Federation’s maps, there are new border challenges. Old adversaries like the Breen are becoming bolder and new threats lie out in the unknown darkness, beyond explored space.

About the Mission

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5 April 2022

Mess With the Best

USS Altai: Here Be Monsters

The corridors and hallways already appeared sparse to Streth. The faces he passed as he walked along them had grown familiar since taking command of the Altai. Routines were setting in, the same people in the same places at the same times. A few transfers from the now departed Don S. Davis were [...]

5 April 2022

One, Of Three - Part 1

USS Altai: Here Be Monsters

One. Of Three. The sound of those words echoed across Magara’s tri-lobed mind as he slowly, and methodically laid out the groundworks of the first ritual. The Holodeck was made to resemble the homeland of the alien, but certain accommodations were made as to make it safe for the human to be [...]

5 April 2022

The Host: Part II

USS Altai: Here Be Monsters

Doctor Atticus Randall looked approvingly at the equipment being brought into the station’s infirmary from the Don. It likely would never be up to the standards of a major Starbase or medical ship, and neither would it have the personnel, but he was going to be able to do his [...]

5 April 2022

Together Alone

USS Altai: Here Be Monsters

Outpost 1-SZ’s exterior structure spiked up from the asteroid’s surface like jagged stalactites reaching out to pierce the endless expanse beyond. The station’s monitoring arrays and subspace transmitters towered yet further above the habitat structures which had, for decades, fed a constant [...]