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USS Solstice: Academy Life – Jackson Porter’s Starfleet Academy Story

The story about Jackson Porter's life at Starfleet Academy

Mission Description

Jackson Porter, son of a well-known Starfleet captain, has been accepted to Starfleet Academy. Starting with him receiving his acceptance, we follow Jackson through his trials and tribulations at the Academy.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

25 July 2022

Chapter 6 - A Formal Occasion, Part 1

USS Solstice: Academy Life - Jackson Porter's Starfleet Academy Story

Note on 6/16/21: from this point forward, since Jackson is my main character that is now the CO of the Nova-class USS Solstice, he will be going through the Academy as a CONN-bound officer with intent to still be a small craft/fighter pilot. His father is now a Captain and not a [...]

21 February 2022

Chapter 5 - So You Think You Can Dance?

USS Solstice: Academy Life - Jackson Porter's Starfleet Academy Story

The Spring Formal was three days away. Jackson and Kayla both picked out their outfits for the dance a few days ago. In the short couple months since they met back in February, they also found time to hang out several times. At one point, they even went out on their first official date on a [...]

21 February 2022

Chapter 4 - A Formal Proposal

USS Solstice: Academy Life - Jackson Porter's Starfleet Academy Story

Jackson sat at his desk studying up on Xenobiology. Though it was only the beginning of February and they had been back for a couple weeks, some of the professors were giving out pop quizzes and sciences like Xenobiology were Jackson’s weaker subjects. Behind him, Jeremy was reviewing [...]

21 February 2022

Chapter 3 - Family Matter

USS Solstice: Academy Life - Jackson Porter's Starfleet Academy Story

The first semester had come and gone, and Jackson was on a shuttle back to his hometown for the Christmas and New Year break. It had been a busy semester and he was eager to get home to see his family in-person for the first time since he left. He was sure the 10 days of break would go by [...]