USS Adventure: USS Adventure – General

Following the first starship of its crew and its team.

Mission Description

General Stories of the USS Adventure and its crew.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

14 May 2022

Flying Fur Part II

USS Adventure: USS Adventure - General

Flying Fur PART II   Clark scrambled from his station and exited the bridge. Behind him, a large cat-like creature bounded down the hall. The only place Clark could think to go would be the medical bay. He had to continue to dodge the attacks, lest he is killed.  He had barely made it [...]

29 April 2022

Flying Fur

USS Adventure: USS Adventure - General

Flying Fur – Part I.  Starfleet’s continuing mission to go where no one has gone before is embodied by Task Force 47.  Serving in the 47th fleet the USS Adventure and its crew brings a unique brand of character development to supplement the exploration and diplomacy mission.  Lt. [...]

21 March 2022

A Cry for Help

USS Adventure: USS Adventure - General

Dolon Prime  M-Class Planet in orbit around a G-type star. Planetary System Dolon Prim is the fourth of six planets in the Dolon system. With a mass of 1.21 Earths, it takes 2.5 days to complete one orbit, and is 1.32 AU from its star. Its moon, Eris is a dusty, cold, rock with a very thin [...]

1 March 2022

Time & Squalls

USS Adventure: USS Adventure - General

Prior to the beginning of Ion storms in the Pulson NebulaThe USS Adventure had completed its undercover mission. They docked at Starbase 157 to debrief. Most of the crew completed their surgery to regain their appearances in just a few hours, but for R'Tor the doctors told him it was going to take [...]