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Part of USS Hathaway: Season 1: The Santa Fe Chronicles

USS Hathaway: Episode 2: In The Depths

In the depths of the Gamma Quadrant, a lone Federation runabout is returning to New Bajor when a shocking discovery changes everything. Alone, in the middle of outer space, the Starfleet crew locate a seemingly derelict vessel of the Federation’s most deadly enemy… the Borg.

Mission Description

In the depths of the Gamma Quadrant, a lone Federation runabout is returning to New Bajor when a shocking discovery changes everything. Alone, in the middle of outer space, the Starfleet crew locate a seemingly derelict vessel of the Federation’s most deadly enemy… the Borg.

With no apparent life signs, Commander T’Prynn orders the crew to investigate the stricken craft in order to assess any possible threat that may loom on the horizon.

About the Mission

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12 December 2021

The Unimaginable Anguish of a Fallen Giant

USS Hathaway: Episode 2: In The Depths

The interior of the massive sphere was dominated by the inky blackness that mirrored the void it occupied. Only a few sources of pale green light peeked out of the hull through small imperfections in the superstructure. The atmosphere within the sphere had long grown stale, a pungent stench [...]

5 December 2021

They Don't Stop...

USS Hathaway: Episode 2: In The Depths

They assimilate your technology and use it against you – and they don’t even need to because they’re already more advanced than you. They have cloaking technology but they don’t need it. When they come for you, you will see them coming. One learns something, they all learn [...]

4 December 2021

Runabout 1-0-1

USS Hathaway: Episode 2: In The Depths

As a former engineer and member of the Advanced Starship Design Bureau, Commander T’Prynn had a vested interest of sorts in matters that arose around the Federation and the latest developments in starship construction were worrying. The Federation’s strained dilithium market had been hit hard [...]