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Part of USS Hathaway: Season 1: The Santa Fe Chronicles

USS Hathaway: Episode 3: A Colony in Ruins

A colony in ruins, its atmosphere still burning. On the surface, its people are reduced to smouldering piles of bone and ash. Who could have carried out such a depraved and brazen assault?

Mission Description

Death and destruction. Intrigue and suspense. A colony in ruins, its atmosphere still burning. On the surface, its people are reduced to smouldering piles of bone and ash. Ohnia III, deep inside the Gamma Quadrant, has suffered an atrocity of unfathomable proportions, but why? Who could have carried out such a depraved and brazen assault? After nearly three days of travel at high warp, a Federation Runabout from the starship Santa Fe arrives to find a planet still burning. Soon enough, the mystery takes a twist when a lone survivor paints a startling picture of the brutality she endured, but the worst is yet to come…

About the Mission

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22 January 2022

Let the search begin

USS Hathaway: Episode 3: A Colony in Ruins

Traipsing along the corridor of deck seven, steaming mug of Vulcan tea in her hand, the executive officer of the Santa Fe was sure she must have been hallucinating when she had received the summons to report to the mess hall at zero-four-hundred. Still, upon entering the mess facility, she was [...]

28 November 2021

Unwelcome Developments

USS Hathaway: Episode 3: A Colony in Ruins

“The only things that can save me from the demons of my tomorrow is sleep. A rested mind will have the sharpness to make the kind of decisions that could be the difference between promotion and being fired. In my youth, I was the kind of person who slept all night and well into the morning, [...]

28 November 2021

Waking the Dead

USS Hathaway: Episode 3: A Colony in Ruins

Sebastian nodded to several people he crossed paths with on his march along deck 6 until he reached the entrance to sickbay. As he crossed the threshold and entered the medical facility, he noted the somewhat unusual presence of two security officers keeping a beady eye on events as they [...]

28 November 2021

Medical Evacuations

USS Hathaway: Episode 3: A Colony in Ruins

“Dropping us out of warp… now.” Stars that had previously streamed past their runabout at magnificent speeds suddenly slowed to a stand still as the craft came to a halt in orbit of the planet Ohnia III. What had, by all reports, been a lush, green world covered with all manner of flora and [...]