Part of Bravo Fleet: Phase 2: Horizon

USS Nova: Starbase 72 – Echoes of the Tkon – Phase 2

Vex and Harrington's continued exploits during the Echoes of the Tkon event.

Mission Description

After forcefully relocating the indigenous people of Koruku III, the crew of the Arrow-class runabout, the USS Trent, check on an anomalous reading coming from the planets mountains and discover a strange artifact therein.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

8 September 2021

More Questions, Fewer Answers

USS Nova: Starbase 72 – Echoes of the Tkon – Phase 2

The lagging sensation and accompanying descending noise from the warp nacelles indicated that the Trent had dropped out of warp just beyond Starbase 72. As the runabout made its final approach towards the station, a feeling of nervousness, anger, and frustration surrounded its whole crew, including [...]

22 August 2021

The Device

USS Nova: Starbase 72 – Echoes of the Tkon – Phase 2

Neil set a course for the mountain range reading they had previously picked up.  To be honest he was glad, soon they could put this planet behind them and move on.   Their mission almost complete, now the Phoenix would take over and deal with the aftermath.  He half expected a Flag Officer to [...]