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Part of Bravo Fleet: Phase 1: Omega

Task Force 17 Lead Expeditionary Group Archive: Orila Karai – Mysteries of M-113

Orila Karai's adventures during an archaeological excavation on Planet M-113

Mission Description

Lieutenant Junior Grade Orila Karai has received her first posting as part of the archaeological team investigating the myriad of ruins left by an ancient, advanced humanoid species on Planet M-113.

Her current assignment is as one of the lead archaeologists excavating a recently uncovered ruin that may hold clues as to the fate of the planet’s former inhabitants.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date

27 August 2021

Meeting The Doctor

Task Force 17 Lead Expeditionary Group Archive: Orila Karai - Mysteries of M-113

A cloud of dust was kicked up around the shuttle, obscuring it from Ori’s view. Her curiosity had the better of her, she had to find out what was so important about the shuttle that it could disregard procedure. She hurried over towards the landing site, the dust cloud dissipating as she arrived. [...]

6 August 2021

Curiouser and Curiouser

Task Force 17 Lead Expeditionary Group Archive: Orila Karai - Mysteries of M-113

Ori remained stationary for a few moments, staring at the box. Her mind was racing with questions, primarily what was it about the box that had Captain Riano spooked? With a heavy sigh, she turned about and marched out of the room, and although she couldn’t quite be certain, it seemed the [...]

2 August 2021

Pandora's Box

Task Force 17 Lead Expeditionary Group Archive: Orila Karai - Mysteries of M-113

“Computer begin recording.” A second later there was a chime from the console, indicating Ori could start to speak. “Personal Log, Lieutenant Junior Grade Orila Karai. Expedition Charlie Gamma Four Nine day 3, July 20th 2399. The camp and base of operations have been established. Although [...]