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Part of Bravo Fleet: Phase 1: Omega

SS Vondem Rose: Echoes of the Tkon – Particle Anomaly Detected

A simple smuggling run runs afoul of Starfleet, computer glitches and the universe unravelling itself.

Mission Description

A simple smuggling run runs afoul of Starfleet, computer glitches and the universe unravelling itself.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date

6 August 2021

“This isn’t over pozhilaya dama.”

SS Vondem Rose: Echoes of the Tkon - Particle Anomaly Detected

Martian Thorn Bridge “Just what the hell are they doing?” Gaeda asked as he sat forward in his seat, an elbow on his knee and chin on his fist. The Martian Thorn had been following the USS Cavelo for over a day now, following a rather strict regime of emission control while under cloak and with [...]

2 August 2021

“It’s called cunning.”

SS Vondem Rose: Echoes of the Tkon - Particle Anomaly Detected

The First Drink New Home Naos IV For a Romulan watering hole, Sidda had to admit, this place actually had its charm. It wasn’t like the parlours and establishments she’d been frequenting of late in the Republic while trying to track down information, make contacts or occasionally try to make [...]

30 July 2021

Maybe that was the way to grade moral options?

SS Vondem Rose: Echoes of the Tkon - Particle Anomaly Detected

Martian Thorn Bridge “Particle anomaly detected!” shouted the Klingon voice once again, on queue. And once again Captain Gaeda Ruiz of SS Martian Thorn entered in his own command codes, which failed to do anything about stopping the alert. “Getting a call in from the Rose,” Trid said at [...]

26 July 2021

“Get me Starfleet Command, or someone who knows about that damn ship.”

SS Vondem Rose: Echoes of the Tkon - Particle Anomaly Detected

USS Covelo Romulan Republic-Federation Border “Hail them again,” Captain Josiah Hu-Williams ordered as he paced the bridge of his ship between the command seats and the helm and ops consoles. His irritation was evident in his voice, in his stride, in his general aura. “On screen now [...]