USS Polaris - USS Diligent - USS Ingenuity - USS Kennedy - USS Serenity

S2E7. Blackout

When darkness settles over the galaxy

Mission Description

While engaged in tense negotiations with the Klingon Empire on K’t’inga, Polaris Squadron suddenly finds itself cut off as the blackout falls over the galaxy. Meanwhile, off on the far side of the Beta Quadrant, the Serenity and the Ingenuity, finally having found their rhythm, must confront the galactic shift.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

12 March 2025

Never A Dull Day

USS Polaris: S2E7. Blackout

“Never a dull day on Polaris, is it ma’am?” asked Captain Bishop as the turbolift raced towards the bridge. He’d come aboard with the new year, and it’d been non-stop ever since. “I promised you adventure, didn’t I, Titus?” Admiral Reyes smiled. “I swear I don’t seek this shit [...]

11 March 2025

Something’s Awry

USS Polaris: S2E7. Blackout

Before the struts had even settled on the duranium deck, Admiral Reyes knew something was wrong. Why else would Commodore Olivia Larsen, Captain Titus Bishop and Dr. Tom Brooks be standing there in the middle of the shuttlebay waiting for them? She could see it on their faces too. Well, on the [...]

9 March 2025

Tense Negotiations and Dangerous Games

USS Polaris: S2E7. Blackout

“To the victor go the spoils,” the massive hulk of a man, large even for a Klingon, insisted as he leaned across the table, his face drawing so close that the ambassador could smell the gagh from lunch on his counterpart’s breath. “I don’t see the problem.” “The problem, my friend, is [...]