Part of Bravo Fleet: The Devil to Pay

USS Triumph - USS Argo - USS Argus

Ulama's Call

Raiders seem to be attacking freighters using some kind of experimental weapons, they receive a chilling distress call from a freighter who is under attack.

Mission Description

“Power is given only to him who dares to stoop and take it … one must have the courage to dare.”
― Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment

The Squadron learns of raiders using what is believed to be experimental weapons to target traders on a distant Federation border. Triumph, Argo, and Argus are dispatched to respond to the reports; while en route, they receive a chilling distress call from a freighter currently under attack. They are to figure out who these raiders are, stop them, and trace where these devices come from.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

19 November 2024

4 - Ulama's Call

USS Triumph: Ulama's Call

It had been a couple of hours since the engineering and operations teams had gone to the freighter to assist with repairs. Serel Nal walked over to where Ailsa Zudoba was at her science station. “Can you detect any residuals about the weapon that was used to do this kind of damage to the [...]

15 November 2024

3 - Ulama's Call

USS Triumph: Ulama's Call

A red hue flashed throughout the ship as the Argo went into red alert at Captain T’Prel’s order due to a distress call. They all had increased speed; even though all three ships were fast, the Argo would still be the first to arrive on the scene. Their weapons were also online and ready, as it [...]

7 November 2024

2 - Ulama's Call

USS Triumph: Ulama's Call

The three ships were well enough on their way towards Ichus IV, though it would be a couple of days, even at their top speed, until they arrived. Onboard the Argus, the crew decided to enjoy some downtime while traveling to keep themselves occupied, as traveling could be boring. Racketball was the [...]

3 November 2024

1 - Ulama's Call

USS Triumph: Ulama's Call

The Elysian Lounge is the favored spot of officers of the currently docked squadron ships. Today wasn’t any different as T’Prel, who had recently been reassigned from the Saratoga to the Triumph, wasn’t overly thrilled by Commodore Dex’s decision. Still, she could complain all she wanted, [...]