USS Selene

Higher Education

The USS Selene gets a class full of Starfleet Academy students.

Mission Description

The USS Selene gets a class full of Starfleet Academy students.

About the Mission

USS Selene
Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

12 September 2024


USS Selene: Higher Education

— Starbase 86 — The USS Selene slowed to a stop and coupled with the starbase. With docking procedures underway Captain Olivia Carrillo felt confident enough in her crew seeing that aspect of their return out to relinquish control of the bridge and head to her quarters. In the next day or so [...]

10 September 2024

Broken Yacht

USS Selene: Higher Education

— USS Selene, Unexplored Space —   Commander James Young climbed out of the Captain’s Yacht, and shook his head, “Looks like at some point the last crew rerouted the EPS conduits, it didn’t get checked as part of maintenance.” “Why not?” Asked Captain Olivia Carrillo, not mad [...]

10 September 2024

Sorry for yourself

USS Selene: Higher Education

— Starvase 86, Strategic Operations Office —   The human woman presented the Vulcan with a PADD. Captain Radak looked over it and restrained himself from reacting to the news and the transfer of the young keen human into his Strategic Operations section. He scanned through it, noting a [...]

10 September 2024


USS Selene: Higher Education

—- USS Selene, Unexplored Space —-   Personal Log Cadet Sol:   Perhaps the most notable thing that one is not prepared for outside of the Academy is how long distances can be here on the frontier. Obviously intellectually one understand that at warp seven a sizable journey like we [...]