USS Albion

Sanctus in Machina

En-route to Tamarian space to collect a diplomatic envoy, the crew of the USS Albion encounter a ghostly - remnant of Starfleet's ambitious past. What unfolds takes the USS Albion into uncharted territory as, against time, they seek to unravel a mystery that could threaten the known Galaxy.

Mission Description

The USS Albion and it’s new Executive Officer, Commander Samantha Hyland, encounter an automated Starfleet distress call of unknown origin and divert from their assigned mission to investigate and give aid.

What they encounter is the answer to an unsolved riddle from the past and an unforeseen danger that will take the crew across the very boundary of the known Universe itself and threaten the security of the Federation and beyond.

Join in the adventure that is heralded by Sanctus in Machina

About the Mission

USS Albion
In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

17 September 2024

Training Day

USS Albion: Sanctus in Machina

He had set the suit to awaken him when he was approaching the target site, the AutoMed unit to subcutaneously inject a mild stimulant to awaken him from the similarly narcotically – induced slumber; but in the end it was the ponderous bulk of one of the Aerothasaurs bumping him with its scarred [...]

31 August 2024

To make an Omelette...

USS Albion: Sanctus in Machina

“Ultimately, at the end of the day, it all comes down to choosing the right eggs.” Samantha Hyland frowned at this, her nose crinkling prettily across its bridge as she sipped the (admittedly rather excellent) St Emillion from her wine – glass, savoring the sensation as her taste buds [...]