Part of USS Odyssey: The Enemy Of My Enemy

USS Bellerophon: The Enemy Of My Enemy

A former ally returns to cause mayhem for the Odyssey Squadron.

Mission Description

After a startling revelation, the Odyssey Squadron’s return to the Delta Quadrant is met with one hurdle Commodore McCallister wasn’t expecting. Gul Jacet of the Third Order, who had helped McCallister and crew during the Dominion Lost Fleet incursion of the Deneb Sector, is now in the Delta Quadrant. The Cardassians’ surprised visit affects McCallister’s plans to make inroads with the locals without knowing their intentions.


About the Mission

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27 July 2024

The Enemy Of My Enemy - 6

USS Bellerophon: The Enemy Of My Enemy

Calhmin was not used to Federation hospitality. However, when news reached him and his people that the underspace corridors were closing, they decided that remaining on Kovar was not for them. Grateful to the Federation’s help in returning home to the Delta Quadrant, they accepted the offer for [...]

25 July 2024

The Enemy Of My Enemy - 4

USS Bellerophon: The Enemy Of My Enemy

“Captain’s log stardate seven-eight-seven-five-eight point three two. After finding a Caatati ship disabled, we are providing aid to its crew and passengers. The Triton has moved on to help another one of their ships we picked up an hour ago.” “Besides the damage they’ve sustained, the [...]